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Code has been further simplified. Also The Living Stream Page has been updated to make future forecasting easier.

Live Forever

UPDATE: New Maximized Life Streaming page for use during the most powerful periods of the year uploaded here.

UPDATE (NOV 21st, 2009) For general Flare and KP Activity Levels, see this page

This page has been updated with new material as of Nov 21st, 2009 A.D.


Previous Research Pages:

Research 1 /research_1.html
Code Notes /code_notes.html.htm
Codex /codex.html
Historical /mail/mail_index.html
The Code /the_code.html
First Simplified Version
Second Simplified Version /simple_codes.htm

Where to find these compounds?
If you live in the san fernando valley in Los Angeles,
This store carries Natto, Shiitake Mushrooms and many other longivity foods.
Greenland Market (818) 708-7396
17643 Sherman Way, Van Nuys
Also in:
Rowland Heights (626) 912-1012 - 18901 Colima Rd

Detailed Cycle Interpretation


The Start of the Process

0-3 = Zero to 3 days before flare

Flare Cycle is the Flare Period

1-4 = One to 4 days after flare

4-8 = Four to 8 days after flare

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Returning Hair to Original Color Naturally.

Link 1:
Link 2:


Restoring Hair Naturally


Removing/Healing Tooth Cavities Naturally

And when doing the Pole Balancing when the 1mev's are higher (See life stream forecasting page for details)

Oil Pulling

To greatly accelerate the re-miner alization of teeth and stop toothaches, when these (1mhz pulse wavelengths)  lines are smoother and more "wave like" and when the 1MEV electrons ( at higher levels, spend more time with consciousness placed between your head and chest.



The body is always renewing itself. And if properly protected from damage, and than the tissues are rejuvenation, it will stay alive for as long as it does not encounter a "sudden" accident, such as car, plane etc. Maximum damage occurs at the time of solar flares and higher geomagnetic activity, maximum rejuvenation occurs during higher cosmic ray and solar irridiance counts. There must always be a higher ratio of antioxidants in the body during the damaging phase and a higher ratio of intestinal fermentation during the rebuilding phase.If any of you are familiar with the process of Qi -Gong, you slowly build up an energy field in/around your body to resist, injury and trauma, we are doing this exact same process, only using foods at the right times to prevent aging. Nutrients with lower molecular weights are especially easiest to bend with the "mind field" created during the pole balancing.
Here are some great examples: htt p:// m/human_potential.html

Note all iron intake listed on this page should be organic iron for maximum absorption.

The first, geomagnetic storms after the equinox with the increasing solar irridiance/cosmic rays/full moon period etc., this re-building energy is maximized.

Simplified: Carbs + leading to sugar production than into fermentation and finally increased atp production. Use enzymes to help with complete absorption.
The man who said he would never die, never did die of old age, (Zaro Agha) rather he was struck by a car and killed, while crossing an intersection. video/tvCTNQISFfk-longevityhow-z aro-aaagha-lived-160.aspx

Hydroxide Ions (Alkaline Body) interfere with absorption of minerals, however hydrogen ions (Acidic body( increase mineral absorption, therefore our body should be more alkaline before a flare, with more protective elements/antioxidants including after the flare, as the minerals in our body can become toxic during this phase. After the higher kp activity has died down, we want a slightly more acidic condition to absorb the new minerals/vitamins and nutrients that are being placed into our body.

It is after the solar flare and higher KP Activity, that we rebuild the body. Ways to do this are by using the synergistic modules 1&2 shown at the bottom of this page..

Eat 6 small means per day, do not eat late at night
Keep the amount of your mental alertness and activity, higher than your amount of not using your mind/brain. Examples are oversleeping, not doing works of forgiveness to remove mental and emotional blocks that stop your mind from being clear, trusting and open.
Keep the amount of fermentation foods higher than other foods at a ratio of 2:1
Keep the amount of Fiber higher than the amount of Proteins in the body. In other words, the cycle of increased fiber to flush out toxins, while replenishing with new plant fibers is key.
When excess protein food breaks down during digestion, it fills your blood with more than the amino acids that make it up. Excess amino acids are converted into non-toxic carbon dioxide and water plus highly toxic ammonia. Your body immediately protects itself by turning the ammonia into less toxic urea, which is then excreted by the kidneys. If you eat protein beyond their capacity to remove the toxic wastes, you overload the kidneys and poison your blood.
http://www.restoreunity. org/atkins_diet.htm
Eat smaller more frequent meals during the day to help your digestion, and to promote better metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and fat.
Do not eat a heavy meal within three hours of bedtime.
Drink pure clean water with your food, as enzymes are only active when water is present.
Larger meals require more enzymes to digest

Keep the cells ATP / SOD / Cataylse Energy Production Ratio higher than the Digestion Energy Used to digest foods
During the day, keep the body's metabolism high and steady,

The 2 to 4 weeks before and after the solstices and equinoxes, the body's immune system must be made stronger more only during this period.
This is because the geomagnetic energies are strongest at this phase, this means that, your body will be more vulnerable to bad bacteria and other illness, because research shows that high levels of geomagnetic energy correspond with illness and sickness.The first 4-6 weeks after an equinox/solstice this is a period of growth/change for the earth, major disruption occurs. This affects the fields of the body making it more susceptible to illness. During this period, practice pole balancing in shorter times, (such as 20 to 40 mins facing north and 20 mins facing south) or for once an hour every 3 to 4 days.

North American Seasonal:

Calcium and magnesium higher in fall and winter than in spring and summer.
Protein higher in summer and fall than in spring and winter
Sodium higher in summer, fall, and winter than in spring
Potassium concentrations higher in summer other seasons. 1/11/2885.pdf

Summer - noon heading into afternoon towards Fall/Autumn - More Calcium/Protein Building and Detoxing after Protein Build up

During Fall/Autumn - late afternoon to early evening - More Magnesium/Alkaline Body & Rejuvenation supplements

Winter - sunset into night heading into dawn towards spring - More ORGANIC Iron/Oxygenation/Magnesium/Neutr alization

Spring - morning heading into mid to late morning towards summer - More Detoxification/Apple Cider/

Protein (South Facing) - Sept 4-6 weeks after the June Equinox

Nutrient Absorption ("holding in white light body regenerative energy") - 4-6 weeks after the September Equinox

Detox/Antioxidant Increasing (North Facing) 4-6 weeks after the December Equinox

Best Seasonal Locations:

At equinoxes/Solstices, be at a higher altitude and at areas with a higher positive ion count:
This energy "light" energy (which is the light that occurs when we hold the energy in) is more prevalent during a full moon. This is because during a full moon there are more positive ions in the air. This is because the magnesium in our blood creates ionic compounds. Other places of Positive Ions Are: The atmosphere before a storm, Full Moon, Air Conditioners, /vchembook/143Amgoxide.html

Positive Ions by Geographic Regions: -ion-effect.htm
Germany........... .............Foehn & Tramontana
Austria.................. .........Foehn
Israel...................... .......Sharav
Egypt...................... .......Khamsin
Italy...................... .........Sirocco
Central France..............Autan
Californi a......................Santa Ana
Argentina......................Zo nda
Canada.........................Chi nook
Malta............................Xl okk
Java..............................Ko ebang & Gending
Northern Sumatra........Bohorok
Libya.... .........................Sharkia
New Dehli....................The Desert Wind
Australia......................Th e Desert Wind (K-3)

Locations to be at the equinoxes to capture and make the most of this energy:
June and October in Arizona
Areas of Puffy Cloud Cover
High Elevations
Mountain Valleys
Earth Grid/Ley Lines

Seasonal Days of Week

Wednesday - (0-3) Detox, Spiritual Healing [CHRIST WAS ANNOINTED WITH OIL]

Avoid Junk Foods fried with excessive fats, junk type foods with artificial ingredients

Friday - (Flare Peak) [CHRIST DIED ON FRIDAY] (Research also shows that praying in the late Friday/Saturday afternoon and early mornings are the most effective hours to pray, as well as the most effective times to activate radionic energy using radionic machines.)
http://catholicknight.blogspot. com/2009/04/jesus-christ-died-on-fr iday.html

Saturday and Saturday Afternoon - (1-4) Good Bacteria Building [CHRIST WAS EMTOMBED]

Sunday - (4-8) Protein Rebuilding [CHRIST ROSE ON A SUNDAY]

Moon Cycles:

The moon body rejuvenation phase is reversed compared to a solar flare cycle

3 to 4 days before a full moon detox - same as days 0-3

Just before and Just after a Full Moon - same as days 4-8 - Perfect PH range between 7.39 & 7.46 (more 2mev electrons) - Pole Balancing 48 hours after a full moon is the same as 4-8, this is the "snap back" re-connective time energy. The same or similar as days 4-8 after a solar flare.

48 to 72 hours after a Full Moon - same as days 4-8

72 hours after a full moon and onwards - same as days 0-3 or a flat kp

Just before or around the New Moon - Alkaline PH (more 1mev electrons) - same as as days 1-4 or build up good bacteria
This can also be cross - matched with the solar wind. When the solar wind is high and there is a full moon, the life energies are much stronger, when there is a new moon with low solar winds, these energies are flat.

There are two important ways a cell can harvest energy from food: fermentation and cellular respiration. Both start with the same first step: the process of glycolysis which is the breakdown or splitting of glucose (6 carbons) into two 3-carbon molecules called pyruvic acid. Courses/Bio104/cellresp.htm

Glucose is the main sugar fermented in bran cell walls

Probiotic (such as yogurt and kefir) - these add good bacteria to the system. Should be taken days when the suns BZ is pointing northwards, and at a more active KP to stimulate good bacteria growth.

Prebiotic - is the good bacteria we produce in our bodies via fermentation of Soluble (fermentable) fiber. This should occur when the sun's BZ is pointing southwards, and during more quiet to flat KP levels & the period days 4-8 after a solar flare, or when the cosmic rays and solar irridiance are higher.

The sun's BZ changes direction about every 8 days. (see living stream forecasting page for further details), and can point in any direction after a solar flare. Usually it points south days 4-8 after a solar flare.

Recent medical research has proven several physiological benefits of consuming fiber which include:
* improved absorption of calcium, magnesium, and iron
* maintenance of an optimal intestinal environment
* stimulation of immune responses

Soluble fiber, like all fiber, cannot be digested. But it does change as it passes through the digestive tract, being transformed (fermented) by bacteria there. Soluble fiber also absorbs water to become a gelatinous substance that passes through the body. Insoluble fiber has bulking action but is mostly unchanged by fermentation as it passes through the body.[2]

Because some indigestible carbohydrate is able to provide the body with energy through fermentation.It is now clear, however, that a number of carbohydrates are only partly or not at all digested in the small intestine and are fermented in the large bowel to short chain fatty acids. These include the non-digestible oligosaccharides, resistant starch and non-starch polysaccharides. The process of fermentation is metabolically less efficient than absorption in the small intestine and these carbohydrates provide the body with less energy.

Ref: Soluble fiber fermentation

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Interactions: Increased molybdenum intake leads to higher levels of urinary excretion of copper.

Interactions: High magnesium, calcium, ORGANIC iron, copper and zinc may inhibit the absorption of manganese. High fiber intake may also inhibit manganese absorption
Interactions: A high intake of vitamin C, zinc and iron may impair the absorption of copper.

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Pole Balancing Notes:

After a proper pole balancing the atp/cataylse occurs at the end, you will feel this in your body. You can accelerate this energy/feeling even more by taking a cold showers after pole balancing

Note: The white light energy may sometimes feel "dry" or not as strong, however there is always balance and when it does return it re balances out all the energies in your body. Just a few days before a flare, this energy is less.

If you get a "left facing feeling dizziness effect " when standing up after the exercise, than it is because you did not face exactly south during the south facing exercise, so be more aligned with the south when you face south and do it

Small amounts of shorter bursts of concentration, than taking a small pause are much more effective when doing the pole balancing.
Place Olive oil on chest (absorbs the white light) when facing south holding energy in.
Take Calcium Carbonate (absorbs the white light) when the white line is higher and the KP is lower (see The Living Stream forecasting page)
Bananas and Cumin Seeds can help focus and hold your concentration. Cumin Seeds are a complex carb and take longer to digest, thus fueling your concentration longer.
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Circulation Phase

Increase Circulation at Higher KP and days 0-3 before a solar flare

Probably the ultimate and most potent combination to combat poor circulation is Cayenne, Ginger, Garlic and Ginkgo

As will be shown later down the page, after the body has been loaded with water, the ATP process is started to start this circulation throughout the body, and then letting the body go into intestinal fermentation.

Take foods that Increase the body's circulation, lemon juice, black pepper, ginger etc.take before going to a cold water to maximize circulation: cypress, lemon, ginger. It is also possible to improve blood circulation cayenne pepper, gingko biloba, root ginger, garlic.

The best circulation stimulants:
Lemon, Ginger, Black Pepper (Black Pepper Oil),

Others include:
Cinnamon, Rosemary, Vetiver, Cedarwood, Coriander, Eucalyptus, Pine,

Others are
L-glutamine and oligosaccharides
Read more: 080199448#ixzz0VcYrEVbl

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Before going out into the sun, have electron rich foods

You want to have just the right amount of "spark" present when holding the energy in. Overdoing this "Spark" can cause havoc. Other examples of overdoing it are:
OVERFOCUSING NORTH OR SOUTH POSITIONS (spending more time than necessary)

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General Solar, Electron and Geomagnetic Tools

When BZ goes south, increase your levels of good bacteria.
1mev's - there is naturally more good bacteria in the body. So when these drop, increase your levels of good bacteria building. You will also find that "rebuilding your teeth" or your teeth and gums will be healthier when the 1mev's are higher as the good bacteria is increased during this time.
Higher Solar Flux - increase your levels of good bacteria. Lower solar flux, bacteria levels in the body are at good counts.

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How to wake up feeling refreshed and "energized": (Also perform the Synergism exercises listed at the top of this page)
When the solar wind is about to "rise" just before a flare - Spend Time in the afternoon sun - do pole balancing at 1 to 2 hrs before sunset - than load the body with beta carotene (carrots) - The next morning you will feel extremely energized.

When the solar flux is more active, and the KP is lower, you will feel this life energy much stronger, take Apple Cider or more Phosphorous
and also do Synergistic Method #1 + maximum nutrient absorption of vitamins/minerals & More Phosphorous and Nitrates with nutrients/minerals
Phosphorous Synergist: Germanium & Nickel

On days cosmic ray counts are higher or increasing, take foods that are higher in Sulphur such as brussel sprouts, especially just before going to bed. The next morning your body will be full and alive of energy. Use the The Living Stream page to help find when cosmic rays are higher.

How to "energize" in the morning:
On the first day after a solar flare (day 1-4 period) Do a pole balancing, than immediately take lemon juice. After 20 minutes take apple cider vinegar, canola oil, brewers yeast and Himalayan salt.

Another method is to take Wheat Germ before bed when the KP is higher
Wheat Germ Synergist: Cod Liver Oil

Spend more time in the sun when the 2mev's are higher. On the day you spend time in the sun - put your body into an Alkaline state. Than in the evening, do a Pole Balancing before going to sleep. Before the pole balancing, increase your Iron intake (available from spinach) and Beta Carotene & Acetic Acid (available from apple cider). The next morning you will wake up feeling refreshed and re-vitalized.
Orange, Grapefruit and Avocado helps the body absorb more iron.

Alpha Carotene is more powerful than beta carotene (Carrot Juice is one of the main sources for this Carotene)
http://www.getsetfor t_article13.htm

When the cosmic rays and solar irridiance are higher and there is favorable wind speeds: (See Life Stream Forecasting Page for Details)
Eat Cabbage, Tomatoes, Cayenne Pepper, Salsa, Hot Peppers, Chili Sauce / Mustard, Ice Water, Green Tea (Iced or Hot), Apple Cider Vinegar Drink, Cabbage, Celery, Brussel Sprouts, Grapefruit, Oatmeal,

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Oil Pulling:
Just as the KP "jumps up" and increases after a long term flat, after the body is made more alkaline, take in EFA oils just before this "jump". This will help detox the body and carry toxins to the surface of the skin. The more alkaline the body is at this phase, the more the toxins are naturally drawn to the surface of the skin. It is best to have the body more alkaline just before this jump.
"EFA molecules carry slight negative charges that cause them to repel one another. They spread out in all directions. This property enables EFA’s to carry oil-soluble toxins from deep within the body to the skin surface for eliminations. EFA’s form associations with sulfhydryl group (cysteine) in proteins, important in reactions that make possible the one-way movement of electrons and energy on which life depends. EFA’s store electric charges that produce bio-electric currents important for nerve, muscle, and cell membrane functions, and the transmission of messages." p=145

As the image above shows, the KP was quiet for a number of days, than it suddenly "rose".
See to know the forecast for this sudden "jump" in KP.
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Maximum Absorption Phase:

Short- and medium-chain fatty acids help increase absorption of minerals. These are produced during intestinal fermentation. It can also help to ingest the standard trace minerals the body needs during this fermentation phase.

The most important foods should be taken at solar noon, for maximum nutrient absorption into the body. The body’s metabolic rate is highest during the morning and early afternoon hours (highest solar irridiance or "solar noon" period. As the body's metabolism increases, the nutrient absorption into our cells is maximized and maximum nutrient absorption occurs.

The proper way to take in minerals is through mineral-rich water; through nutrient-dense foods and beverages; through mineral-rich bone broths in which all of the macrominerals--sodium, chloride, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and sulphur--are available in ready-to-use ionized form as a true electrolyte solution; through the use of unrefined sea salt; and by adding small amounts of fine clay or mud as a supplement to water or food, a practice found in many traditional societies throughout the world. Analysis of clays from Africa, Sardinia and California reveals that clay can provide a variety of macro- and trace minerals including calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron and zinc.2 Clay also contains aluminum, but silicon, present in large amounts in all clays, prevents absorption of this toxic metal and actually helps the body eliminate aluminum that is bound in the tissues.3

Flaxseeds can help with nutrient absorption. They must be freshly ground up before eating.

Nutrient Absorption Helpers:
Green coffee bean extract is made from the green beans of the Coffee Arabica plant is the most powerful so far in helping the body absorb and retain minerals.
Methoxyisoflavone is another powerful tool that increases mineral retention
North Pole Magnetically Treated Water
Glutamic acid
Fulvic Acid

Lower solar winds, especially when combined with more cosmic rays and a higher solar UV irridiance or when the solar wind is at favorable speeds (between 275 and 320)

Foods high in nonfermentable fiber, or the fiber that passes all the way through the intestines unchanged, may reduce the absorption and/or increase the excretion of several minerals, including calcium and iron.

"A small amount of sodium bicarbonate may be an effective way to increase calcium retention" bmed/6320628
Wheat and Ergosterol are good retainers of Calcium
Calcium carbonate powder is absorbed better than straight calcium
Calcium should come from raw eggshells as this is the most absorbent type
Coconut oil improves the ability of our body to absorb important minerals. These include calcium and magnesium
http://www.prostarcoconutoil.c om/benefits.php
L-lysine is an amino acid that you need to activate intestinal absorption of calcium.
Foods highest in Lysine: Dried White Egg, Spirulina,
`qLysine should be taken with the right ratio with Arginine.
A slightly Higher Ratio of Lysine @ 2:1 helps prevent cold sores: These are: Capiscum, Watercress, Swiss Chard, Mushrooms, Corn Grits, Oats, Garlic, Grapes,
Ref: ml
Foods with the perfect Lysine to Arginne Ratio: Beets, Endive, Leeks, Pumpkin
Pineapple, Potato, Celery, Peach, Plum, Cauliflower , Watermelon, Cabbage, Whole Egg, Kale, Guava,
Coral Calcium contains the perfect 2:1 calcium to magnesium ratio:
http://www.coralsupreme .com/
Calcium Synergist: Vitamin B5
Eggshells + Vitamin D3 + Fish Oil = a powerful calcium combination.
Calcium absorption increases on an empty acidic stomach and with Boron
The most absorbable form of calcium is aspartate or Citrate salts of calcium, followed by and chelated calcium with amino acids and followed by calcium gluconate - than calcium carbonate and calcium lactate
Foods high in chlorine:
http://www.healthyeati foodfacts/html/data/data5h.html - Food sources: The best source is table salt. MUNG
Chloride helps regulate fluids in and out of body cells. It forms part of stomach acid to help digest food and absorb nutrients. It also helps transmit nerve impulses. BEANS also have a high manganese level
Beta-carotene is a chloride synergist.
The most absorbable form of calcium is aspartate or Citrate salts of calcium, followed by and chelated calcium with amino acids and followed by calcium gluconate - than calcium
Calcium absorption increases on an empty acidic stomach and with Boron

Hydrochloric Acid:
When we increase this in our stomach, our body better absorbs nutrients.
We also want to increase the hydrochloric acid ratio/content in our body when facing south Items that help increase this are:

Cider vinegar
Ascorbic acid (vitamin C)
Betaine Hydrochloride (Betaine HCL), from beets.
Hydrochloric Acid Tablets
Diluted 3% hydrochloric acid from a chemist and take half to one teaspoon in half a cup of herb tea after a protein meal. (Possibly use a straw to protect the teeth, also use a plastic spoon rather than a metal spoon for any contact with acids.)
Lemon Juice
Slutamic acid hydrochloride,
pepsin hydrochloride,
pantothenic acid (vitamin B5),
paramino benzocic acid (PABA)
vitamin B6. ment-hypochlorhydria/
http://ro e+Balance&id=11776
vit amin B6 & Vitamin B2
Organic Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar

Magnesium uptake is improved when the magnesium supplement also includes zinc, manganese and copper.

The right Enzymes with the proper foods can increase nutrient absorption.
When the body is between 6 and 7, maximum enzyme activity occurs (see photo), this means that the body is also slightly acid so nutrient absorption is maximized

North BZ or + IMF polarity, Nutrients are better absorbed by the body, especially after equinox, full moon. (See Life Stream Forecasting Page for more info.)

Probiotic lactobacilli are able to directly facilitate or improve the absorption of minerals, i.e. calcium, magnesium and/or zinc, by human intestinal cells.

Faster Metabolism

Zinc is an overall synergizer. Excess zinc can create copper deficiency and depress immune function, so it's important not to consume more than 90 milligrams per day.

Essential Fatty Acids:
May also enhance calcium absorption, increase calcium deposits in bones, diminish calcium loss in urine, improve bone strength, and enhance bone growth, all of which may contribute to improved bone mass and, therefore, strength.

Hydroxide Ions (via a more acidic body) interfere with absorption of minerals, however hydrogen ions increase mineral absorption.

The body should be at the optimal PH level to maximize the nutrient absorption, Alkaline water, Fulvic Acid, Fermented foods, The right ratio of EFA oils, Fulvic Acid,Avocado, Uric Acids - When the EFA oils are 2:1 they carry these trace nutrients into the cells with the incoming electrons.

When the body is alkaline, taken with nutrient enhancer such as fulvic acid, avocado, the nutrients are more easily assimilated into the body's cells.
Good healthy stomach bacteria can increase nutrient absorption by 90%.
Amino Acids should be taken on an empty stomach for maximum absorption.
Chloride (TABLE SALT) helps build hydrochloric acid and maintain a perfect PH balance
Lower KP or Solar Flux means increased nutrient absorption. (see forecasting page).
7.46 is the perfect PH level for the body to properly absorb all vitamins and nutrients
Ref:< BR>Aspartic acid
24 to 72 hours after a full moon when nutrients are more easily converted into ionic compounds
When you eat food, visualize the nutrients being absorbed by the body and your cells soaking up this energy and taking in the nutrients giving your body health, vitality and well being.
Vitamins A and E were both more rapidly and completely absorbed when delivered in a water-soluble form than in the oil-soluble form

BODY CYCLE #1 THE ELIMINATION CYCLE (0-3 Trace Mineral Absorption/Antioxidants)
Your body's elimination cycle starts at 4:00 AM and ends at 12:00 NOON. During this cycle the body eliminates body-producing poisons, waste matter and materials, salts, proteins, and uric acids in liquid, solid, and gaseous forms. During this cycle, it is optimal to feed the body adequate amounts of fresh organic seasonal fruit and fresh fruit juice. This creates an ideal environment to support the body's cleansing and elimination processes.
BODY CYCLE #2 APPROPRIATION (1-4, Magnesium to Calcium)
The appropriation cycle starts at 12:00 NOON and ends at 4:00 PM. During this cycle the body takes in and stores food to process them later. Then the body starts an absorption process of the foods. The body is supported during this cycle by eating fresh raw vegetables for lunch (a salad) with a starch source to help support the body's biochemical balance
BODY CYCLE #3 THE ASSIMILATION CYCLE (4-8 Calcium to Phosphorous)
The assimilation cycle starts at 8:00 PM and ends at 4:00 AM, which then starts the elimination cycle, etc. The assimilation cycle is the time to heal, build, and re-energize. During this cycle the body assimilates all the foods given that day and utilizes them for the rebuilding, reconstruction, and the regeneration of the entire human body. Hormone production occurs during this time, as does the continuing release of certain toxins.
http://www.tibetangoji.c a/humanbody.html

It is best to eat dinner 30 minutes to 1 hour after sunset for maximum absorption and digestion of foods. Sunset is the same, eat breakfast 30 minutes to 1 hour after the sun rises.

MORNING 7 – 9: Absorption of nutrients in the small intestine,
EVENING at 9 – 11: Is the time for eliminating unnecessary/toxic chemicals (detoxification) from the antibody system (lymph nodes).
EVENING at 11- 1AM: Is the detoxification process in the liver, and ideally should be done in a deep sleep state.
EARLY MORNING 1 – 3: detoxification process in the gall, also ideally done in a deep sleep state. EARLY MORNING 3 – 5: detoxification in the lungs.
midnight to 4AM is the time when the bone marrow produces blood.

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Higher KP:

More toxins are produced in the body from the excess geomagnetic activity. Intake more foods that help detox the body during this period, unless this KP activity is accompanied by a flat or non-exist ant solar flux level.

Higher KP just after a flare - During this phase, PROTECTION, PROTECTION AND PROTECTION, of the body. In afternoon/evening foods from Synergistic Method #1 (more wheat germ etc.) from synergy - The next morning foods highest in Phytochemicals should be taken / more acid antioxidants. See days 1-4 after a solar flare below for more info.

Alpha-lipoic Acid helps the body clean up the excess free radicals (antioxidant action)

After a while, many antioxidants themselves turn oxidative. These spent antioxidants need to be absorbed by other antioxidants or dissolved by antioxidant enzymes such as catalase, superoxide dismutase and peroxide.

During the most powerful periods of the year, such as the equinoxes, after the body is loaded with antioxidants, they must be "burned off" using the catalase reaction. This reaction is part of the rejuvenation that occurs.

Since taking Alpha-lipoic Acid with a meal decreases its bio availability, it is generally recommended that LA be taken on an empty stomach (one hour before or two hours after eating). Consumption of LA from foods has not yet been found to result in detectable increases of free LA in human plasma or cells (3, 12). In contrast, high oral doses of free LA (50 mg or more) result in significant but transient increases in free LA in plasma and cells

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Lower or Flat KP Heading:

The body's digestion is operating at maximum and foods are easier to digest. You can take foods that are slightly harder to digest during this period.

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Higher Solar Flux Just After a Solar Flare. This is the best time to rebuild teeth and bones, while keeping the body protected from bad bacteria.

Synergistic Method #1 + maximum nutrient absorption of vitamins/minerals & More Phosphorous and Nitrates with nutrients/minerals
Phosphorous Synergist: Germanium & Nickel

Method #2:
More Phosphorous and Nitrates with nutrients/minerals
Phosphorous Synergist: Germanium & Nickel

Rebuilding Bones & Teeth Phase:

Vitamin K2 works synergistically with the two other "fat-soluble activators" that Price studied, vitamins A and D. Vitamins A and D signal to the cells to produce certain proteins and vitamin K then activates these proteins.

Vitamin K2 is the substance that makes the vitamin A- and vitamin D-dependent proteins come to life. While vitamins A and D act as signaling molecules, telling cells to make certain proteins, vitamin K2 activates these proteins by conferring upon them the physical ability to bind calcium. In some cases these proteins directly coordinate the movement or organization of calcium themselves; in other cases the calcium acts as a glue to hold the protein in a certain shape.33 In all such cases, the proteins are only functional once they have been activated by vitamin K.

Food Sources of K2.
Natto 1103.4 (0% MK-4)
Goose Liver Paste 369.0 (100% MK-4)
Hard Cheeses 76.3 (6% MK-4)
Soft Cheeses 56.5 (6.5% MK-4)
Vitamin K2 may be found in many foods or taken as a supplement.
Many hard and soft cheeses as well as raw egg yolks contain relatively high amounts of K2. Other dairy products rich in this vitamin include egg whites, curd cheeses, butter and whole and low-fat milk. Popular in Japan, "natto" is has the highest natural concentration of K2 vitamins, according to Davis. Natto is a form of fermented soybeans often served on rice. According to Davis, a 3.5-ounce serving of natto has 1,000 micrograms of MK-7 and 84 mcg of MK-8. The MK-8, MK-9 and MK-10 forms of K2 are found almost exclusively in fermented foods

Cod Liver Oil & Butter Oil (100% grass-fed, unsalted cultured butter is the best)

"Weston Price documented the dramatic protective effect of cod liver oil (A and D) and butter oil (A and K2) against tooth decay." "He used a combination of high-vitamin cod liver oil and high-vitamin butter oil to heal cavities, reduce oral bacteria counts, and cure numerous other afflictions in his patients." "Price used extracts from grass-fed butter (activator X), in combination with high-vitamin cod liver oil (A and D), to prevent and reverse dental cavities in many of his patients. 'Nutrition and Physical Degeneration' contains X-rays of case studies showing re-calcification of severe cavities using this combination"

K2 Fully Explained in Detail:

K2 Synergists:
Vitamins A and D
Best taken with Cod Liver Oil and Organic Butter
Can also be taken with Coconut Oil & Palm Oil,

Cod liver oil, which is high in both vitamins A and D, partially corrected growth retardation and weak legs in turkeys fed a deficiency diet, but the combination of cod liver oil and high-Activator X butter was twice as effective. Likewise, Price found that the combination of cod liver oil and a high-Activator X butter oil concentrate was more effective than cod liver oil alone in treating his patients for dental caries and other signs of physical degeneration.

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Wind Speed Heading:

During the higher KP during this period with no solar activity present, (when combined with more cosmic rays and a higher solar UV irridiance) or when the solar wind is at favorable speeds (between 275 and 320) we want to have more plant proteins and foods that rebuild the body. Foods highest in Manganese should be taken during this time. There should be no iron intake. More High Fructose Corn Syrup with manganese (increases moisture in the foods).

Enzyme Helpers:
Protease: breaks down proteins. PROTEASE - Enzyme Source: Source Ginger, Wheat,
The stomach must be at a slightly higher PH in order to properly breakdown proteins.
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Food Combing Heading:

Do not combine nuts with yogurt, cheese Kefir etc.
Do not combine starch and sugars

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Detox Heading:

Oil Pulling, not only heals cavities, but can remove many toxins from the system.
"Oil Pulling" removes and detoxes the body.
Because Sesame Oil is Acidic and attracts toxins, this means that it is also in the class days 1-4 with the Hemp Oil and Canola Oil< /P>

The lemon and the extra virgin olive oil, when taken together, act as a potent liver and gallbladder flush, detoxifying the liver, lowering biliruben levels, removing heavy metals, increasing the production of bile from the liver, stimulating lymphatic flow, and restoring the pH of your saliva, which in turn helps you to absorb the nutrients from the food you eat.
According to Mark Konlee from his paper How to Reverse Immune Dysfunction - “The immune system has two 'arms' - the TH1 and TH2 systems. They tend to be connected: when the one is strong, the other is weak, and visa versa. The Lemon / Extra Virgin Olive Oil drink has been reported to balance the two arms of the immune system. This would help in both suppressed immune system and autoimmune conditions (including HIV / AIDS and cancer).” m/?How-The-Simple-Lemon-Can-H eal-The-Liver-and-The-Body-and-B enefit-Those-With-Cancer-and-Hiv-/ -Aids&id=395444

Gamma-Linolenic Acid also helps draw out toxins from the skin arch?hl=en&q=Gamma-linolen ic+acid+%2B+draws+out+toxins&a mp;aq=f& amp;oq=&aqi=

The addition of pure linolenic acid to the skin surface resulted in a dramatic enhancement of the bactericidal effect of the skin, even when the test bacteria were applied in serum.

Soluble Fiber and Resistant Starch are the most powerful Protein Toxin Removers
http://integratedsupplements.t ts_bl/2008/10/index.html
Cinnamon Spice (ground) 2674 units/gram (247 calories - 1002 mg calcium, 60 magnesium, 64 phos - carb to protein 81 to 3.99 - Fiber 53 grams) - Alkaline

Marjoram Spice 40 grams Fiber)

Cumin Seed 10.5 grams Fiber)) [lowest carbohydrate out of the spices)

Oregano Spice 43 grams Fiber))

Chinese medicine suggests that fasts should be done ten days before and after the vernal equinox – March 11 to April 1.


Distilled water is free of dissolved minerals and, because of this, has the special property of being able to actively absorb toxic substances from the body and eliminate them. Studies validate the benefits of drinking distilled water when one is seeking to cleanse or detoxify the system for short periods of time (a few weeks at a time).
However, distilled water is an active absorber and when it comes into contact with air, it absorbs carbon dioxide, making it acidic with ph levels of around 5.8 The more distilled water a person drinks, the higher the body acidity becomes. Distilled water is acidic and is oxidizing with a +ORP of +200 to +300mv and can only be recommended as a way of drawing poisons out of the body. Once this is accomplished, the continued drinking of distilled water is a bad idea.
According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, “Distilled water, being essentially mineral-free, is very aggressive, in that it tends to dissolve substances with which it is in contact. Notably, carbon dioxide from the air is rapidly absorbed, making the water acidic and even more aggressive. Many metals are dissolved by distilled water.” (Why would you want to drink something that dissolves metal??)
The longer one drinks distilled water, the more likely the development of mineral deficiencies and an acid state. The more mineral loss, the greater the risk for osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, hypothyroidism, coronary artery disease, high blood pressure and a long list of degenerative diseases generally associated with premature aging.


Many herbalists suggest taking the herb milk thistle for cleaning the liver. This herb stimulates liver function so it filters out impurities. Other herbs for the liver are turmeric, dandelion, burdock root, and licorice according to the article "Herbs and Your Liver." These herbs are sold in health food stores as teas or as supplements. Use only one type of herb at a time. Also start with the smallest dose of the herb available. Herbs can have side effects for some people. See an herbalist for expert advice. Be certain to follow the direction on the label of any herb you purchase.

The Master Cleanse involves eating no solid food. Instead, you drink a mixture of water, lemon juice, Grade B maple syrup, and Cayenne pepper.
The rules are simple. Each day you drink 6-12 glasses of the following mix:

The Master Cleanser Recipe:
2 tablespoons lemon (or lime) juice (approx. 1/2 lemon)
2 tablespoons of genuine "grade B" maple syrup (not maple flavored sugar syrup)
1/10 Teaspoon or more cayenne pepper
1 Cup (8 fluid ounces) of water, room temperature
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Papain, Lipase, Amylase, Cellulase assist in digestion leading to fermentation, thus good production of good fungi for the body.These are the main and most important enzymes related to good digestion and good fungi generation for the body.

Digestion Helpers: Betaine

Taken before intestinal fermentation process:
(EFA oils Butter, Lemon Juice, Acetic Acids (apple cider vinegar), than fermentation induction (artichoke etc) - this provides fuel for the cells

Lemon juice or apple cider vinegar - taken with meals stimulates hydrochloric acid. These are both alkaline and help in digestion of foods.

Manganese is an extremely versatile element. It can exist in six different oxidation states. In nature, it is usually found in either its reduced +2 state, which easily dissolves in water or in the +4 state, which forms many types of insoluble oxides. The +3 form of Manganese is used as a powerful weapon, by dry rot fungi that break down wood. Wood contains a lot of lignin, a polymer that is almost indestructible by biological systems; indestructible that is unless you use Manganese. A fungal enzyme, Manganese peroxidase, oxidizes Manganese +2 atoms to Manganese +3, which are then sent to the tiny spaces within the wood lattice. Manganese +3 is highly reactive and can break down the chemical bonds of lignin, making it available as food for the fungus. Fungi are not the only organisms that harness the power of Manganese chemistry. Manganese is an essential element for all life forms. It is absolutely necessary for the activity of several enzymes that must bind a Manganese atom before they can function, including superoxide dismutase, an enzyme that protects us from the harmful effects of toxic oxygen radicals.

Protease, Lipase, Amylase and Cellulase. These assist digestion. They represent about 80% of the market. They are sources from aspergillus and grown in a laboratory setting on plants such as soy and barley. They are called plant based, microbial and fungal. Of all the choices, plant based enzymes are the most active or potent. This means they contain the highest active units and can break down more fat, protein and carbohydrates in the broadest pH range than any other source. Plant based enzymes are useful to develop and maintain a proper digestive system and to allow the body to produce more metabolic enzymes by reducing the need to produce digestive enzymes.

There are three ways to preserve this potential. They are all based on reducing the amount of energy that we spend on digestion. By some estimates, we spend up to 80% of all of the energy we have at our disposal digesting our food. This makes sense since most people require 3 to 10 days to break down, assimilate and excrete the waste of any given meal. Thus our body is in a constant state of digestion. To preserve our potential we need to reduce this amount. One of the easiest ways to do this is to limit the number of digestive enzymes that our body needs to break these meals down. By making less digestive enzymes we will ultimately make more metabolic enzymes in our lifetime. The second choice is to reduce the number of calories we consume. Dr. Roy Walford from UCLA pioneered this concept. By eating less, we are ultimately preserving vital energy (making less digestive enzymes) and again, extending our potential. The third is perhaps the most obvious. Take a high quality digestive enzyme supplement with every meal. The choice is yours!

ENZYME PHYTASE - Helps with digestion in general, and is especially effective in producing vital nutrients of the B-Complex. Enzyme Source: Source Barley

Digestion Food Times:

1. Proteins - (average digestion-time: 4 hours):
Seeds: Pumpkin, sesame, sunflower.
Nuts: Almonds, Brazil nuts, pecans, pine nuts, walnuts (no peanuts or cashews).

2. Starches - (average digestion-time: 3 hours):
Sprouted grains: Amaranth, barley, millet, quinoa, rye, teff.
Sprouted legumes: Chickpeas, lentils, peas.
Winter squashes: Acorn, hubbard, kabocha, spaghetti.
Sweet potatoes & yams

3. Vegetables - (average digestion-time: 2 'A hours):
Sprouted greens: Alfalfa, arugula, buckwhet mustard, radish.
Fruit vegetables: Cucumber, red bell-pepper, summer squash, zucchini.
Leafy greens: Arugula, asparagus, broccoli, bok choy, cabbage, cauliflower, celery,chard, collard greens, fresh corn, kale, lettuce, mizuna, mustard greens, scallions, spinach, watercress.
Low-starch root vegetables: Beets, burdock, carrots,
parsnips, radishes, turnips.

4. Fruits:average digestion time: 2 hours- for melons 15-30 minutes
Acid: Grapefruits, lemons, oranges, pomegranates, strawberries.
Sub-acid: Apples, apricots, most berrie, grapes,kiwis, mango, pears, peaches.
Sweet: Bananas, all dried fruit, persimmons.
Melons: Canary, cantaloupe, crenshaw, honeydew, Persian, Santa Claus watermelon.

The less time the food digests in the body the less strain and energy drain occurs on the body. Here are the amounts of time it takes food to digest based on food type:
Other fruits - 2 hours
Sweet fruits - 3 hours
Proteins - 12 hours
Fats & Oils - 12 hours
Carbohydrates - 5 hours
Non-starchy veges - 5 hours
______________________ ________________________

Digestion Heading:

Vitamin B12 helps digestion

Circulation and Digestion is harder during geomagnetic storms/fluctations, therefore we want to eat foods that digest faster and are easier on the digestive system.

Take Ginger with meals, especially at higher KP periods and around flare periods to help the body with digestion.

To speed up the digestion process eat ginger. Ginger has a powerful stimulating effect on digestion. All you do is eat a slice of fresh, raw ginger right before or after your meal.

Best Digestive Aids:
Ginger, Lemon Juice, Black Pepper, Chamomile, Fenugreek, Nutmeg, Peppermint,

Digestion Improvers:
Ingredients: Ashwagandha, Amalaki, Fo-ti, Gota Kola, Hawthorn, Sarsaparilla, Cinnamon, Damiana, Licorice, Ginger, Sage, Fennel, Kelp, Marshmallow, Bala, Nutmeg, Chamomile, Clove, Ajwan, Rose, Anise, Dong Quai, Cardamom, Cumin, Black pepper, Celery seed, Dill seed, Mugwort, Fenugreek, Orange peel, Peppermint, Parsley, Plantain, Rosemary, Rosehips, Tatrragon, Basil, Spearmint, Almond, Coconut, Coriander, Oregonal, Safflower, Lemon grass, Ground linseed

Small meals that digest easily eaten at certain periods.

Ginger taken with the proteins etc. Enzymes taken with these easy to digest foods

A lower or Flat KP, food digests more easily and the pole balancing is much easier.
No Sucrose Intake. These should be especially taken when the solar flux is higher and the KP is lower.

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(Anaerobic Glycolysis Creation)

This phase should be only short and very temporary:

Chlorella or Spirulina must be taken with the Omega 3 (Flax Oil) for proper EPA conversion
Biotin or Vitamin B7 should also be taken to help carbohydrate metabolism
enzyme Lipase: breaks down fats. LIPASE - Enzyme Source: Source Ginger
Perfect EFA Oil Combinations:
Udo's Choice Oil Blend
Hemp Oil

2nd Choice: Canola Oil

Fat Metabolism must be increased via L-Carntine

Foods /herbs to take high in
Cobalt, Iron, Manganese, Nitrate, Sulfur,
brewers yeast, pyruvate, creatine, glucose sugars
Reishi Mushroom & Shiitake mushrooms
Orange, Grapefruit and Avocado helps the body absorb more iron.
Next Nitrate and Phosphorous Ingestion should occur. The ratio to this should be between 2:1 & 10:1 (nitrate to phosphorous) Foods such as spinach, lettuce, turnips, collard greens, beets and carrots contain significant amounts of nitrate - Foods high in Phosphorus are Cheese, Yogurt.
Ref: minerals/phosphorus/

pyruvate is key to the body's fermentation process and longevity - Red Apples,

Early studies used 100 g of DHAP as a mixture of 25 g pyruvate and 75 g dihydroxyacetone. Later, researchers realized that lower doses were just as effective. Stanko says the optimal dosage is 2-5 g a day of pyruvate, divided into two doses and taken with meals.

creatine phosphate system first, than Glycolysis (breakdown of glucose) than anaerobic glycolysis (without oxygen)

The temporary "energy" spike. During this phase we are manifesting new cells/muscle in our body. Anaerobic glycolysis accompanies good fungi growth in the body. For a super immune booster (to be used only temporarily - Overuse will stress the immune system ). Foods Rich in Fungal (Mold) Protein-Allergens are key. Fungi hate oxygen and cannot grow in it.

Oligosaccharides, which are a form of carbohydrates, stimulate good bacteria growth for the body.
foods high in Raffinose (carbohydrates) and Atachyose are part of Oligosaccharide
Foods highest in raffinose and stachyose English peas, soybeans and black-eyed peas.
L. luteus seeds (Lupin Seeds) are the highest overall.
"Raffinose family oligosaccharides (RFOs), which include raffinose and stachyose, are thought to be an important
source of energy during seed germination"
Ref: e/pii/S0176161709000297

Bring the body's PH to 7.5 ph is 7.5 pH
Ideal alkaline body level and is also the rate that the Lactobacillus acidophilus bacteria grow best and fastest
Soluble fiber helps in fermentation due to its water holding ability. Oats is best for this.
"Oat-based Symbiotic Beverage Fermented by Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus paracasei ssp. casei, and Lactobacillus acidophilus"

Soluble Fiber Spices:
Cinnamon Spice (ground) 2674 units/gram (247 calories - 1002 mg calcium, 60 magnesium, 64 phos - carb to protein 81 to 3.99 - Fiber 53 grams) - Alkaline
Marjoram Spice 40 grams Fiber)
Cumin Seed 10.5 grams Fiber)) [lowest carbohydrate out of the spices)
Oregano Spice 43 grams Fiber))
Thyme Spice 14 grams Fiber))
Blackberries (5.3 grams Fiber)) Alkaline
Liquid Pectin (Fiber 2.1 grams) - Alkaline

Foods include:

Dried Fruit - Raisins, apricots, prunes, figs, etc. (these are also foods that have a high vitamin C and Iron content taken just before flare)
Orange, Grapefruit and Avocado helps the body absorb more iron.
Aged Cheeses - cottage cheese, mozzarella, provolone, ricotta and farmers cheese
( dry curd cottage cheese as better than regular cottage cheese)


Food Leftovers - Only during the first 24 hours, unless frozen (microwave frozen food to thaw quickly).

Over-ripe Fruits and Vegetables - (Discolored, wilted, mushy)

Tomato Products - Juice, sauce, paste, ketchup, etc. are made from moldy tomatoes.

Wine & Wine Vinegar - Red wine is most moldy;

Multi-B Vitamins - Contain either yeast or mold (rice hulls are moldy).

Products of Aspergillus Fermentation - Soy Sauce - Chocolate - Tea (black) - Malt Extract (breads, cereals) - Lactaid (milk additive) -
Soy sauce Synergist: Carvacrol. Synergy is cancelled out by the presence of salt

Citric Acid (a common food additive (not derived from citrus fruit)) - Fruit Juice (commercial-often from moldy fruit; many contain mold

Anaerobic respiration + Sauerkraut

Anaerobic respiration
This process occurs in the bacteria involved in making yogurt (the lactic acid causes the milk to curdle). This process also occurs in animals under hypoxic (or partially-anaerobic) conditions, found, for example, in overworked muscles that are starved of oxygen, or in infarcted heart muscle cells. In many tissues, this is a cellular last resort for energy; most animal tissue cannot maintain anaerobic respiration for an extended length of time.

Some organisms, such as yeast, convert NADH back to NAD+ in a process called ethanol fermentation. In this process the pyruvate is converted first to acetaldehyde and carbon dioxide, then to ethanol.

In the above two examples of fermentation, NADH is oxidized by transferring two electrons to pyruvate. However, anaerobic bacteria use a wide variety of compounds as the terminal electron acceptors in cellular respiration: nitrogenous compounds, such as nitrates and nitrites; sulfur compounds, such as sulfates, sulfites, sulfur dioxide, and elemental sulfur; carbon dioxide; iron compounds; manganese compounds; cobalt compounds; and uranium compounds.
Orange, Grapefruit and Avocado helps the body absorb more iron.

In Dahlem the fermentation of cancer cells was discovered decades ago; but only in recent years has is been demonstrated that cancer cells can actually grow in the body almost with only the energy of fermentation.
http://www.nobel ize-was-awarded-for-proving.html

It is now known that the preservation of sauerkraut in an anaerobic environment (in the brine) keeps the vitamin C in it from being oxidized.
http://en.wikipedia.or g/wiki/Sauerkraut We can do the same within our bodies.

Glycoses explained com/books?id=cSSW4RhZOiwC& amp;pg=RA1-PA357&lpg=RA 1-PA357&dq=causes+of+ana erobic+glycolysis&source=bl& amp;ots=qjoBatRT54&sig=Vt sDMOA_zG7-A UXxsgwZV2vtt_g&hl=en& ;ei=sEv0SqicMo-AsgPS06EF&am p;sa=X&oi=book_result& ct=result&resnum=3&ved =0CA0Q6AEwAg#v=onepage&am p;q=causes%20of%20anaerobic% 20glycoly sis&f=false

Nutrient absorption is increased
This is the south pole magnetically charged water

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If you want to go the full route, you follow this phase - this is best maximized when the KP is flat, especially days 4-8 after a solar flare or when there are more cosmic rays and the suns solar irridiance is higher.:

Body Detox
Oil Pulling

Load body with oxygen (food grade hydrogen peroxide, more alkaline body etc.)
Load body with Iron and Vitamin C than into the "fermentation phase".

Foods highest in Vitamin C and Iron
Spinach, Parsley, Beets, Raw Asparagus,

Fruits are:
Apricot, Dates, Prunes, avocadoes, currants, Figs

The Best Are:
Prunes, Parsley, Apricots, Spinach, Asparagus,

Chelating agents, such as vitamin C and sulfur-containing amino acids, help eliminate toxic metals

Niacin is much better tolerated when given with Vitamin C

***************** FERMENTATION PHASE

The well-balanced intestinal flora plays a crucial role in the prevention of many diseases in humans. It carries out a variety of essential metabolic reactions, such as production of organic acids – short chain fatty acids (SCFA, e.g. propionic, butyric or acetic), which are beneficial
for humans (2,3), vitamin synthesis (e.g. vitamins K, B12 or riboflavin), which help in the 'resistant starch' and fibre metabolism (2) and protect tissues from invasion and colonisation by pathogenic bacteria (1). Carbohydrates and proteins are fermentative substrates present
in the large intestine

More is not always better. Too many beneficial bacteria in one formula may find the bacteria competing with each other before they can establish themselves in separate areas of the intestinal tract. On the other hand, there are several other bacteria that are extremely beneficial in any probiotic formula. A good probiotic formulation will usually contain fructooligosaccharides (FOS) which help promote the growth of beneficial bacteria.
L salivarius, L. rhamnosus, L. plantarum

"Over doing the fermentation"
There are three types of sugars: simple sugars (monosaccharides), disaccharides (such as lactose and sucrose), and polysaccharides (starches).
When you eat food, the body must breakdown all sugars into monosaccharides before they can be absorbed. Monosaccharides are the only sugars that can be absorbed by the body.
If the body cannot breakdown the sugars or is slow in doing so, the microbial flora in your gut feeds on these sugars.
If the body cannot absorb monosaccharides or is slow in doing so, the microbial flora in your gut feeds on these sugars.
An overgrowth of fermenting bacteria in your digestive tract leads to illness.

Dr. McCann, originally with Kaiser Permanente in Ohio, has pioneered a dramatic, experimental treatment for inflammatory bowel disease which has induced a rapid remission in 16 out of 20 patients with ulcerative colitis. A two-day course of multiple broad-spectrum antibiotics to "decontaminate" the gut is followed by administration of defined strains of E. coli, and Lactobacillus acidophillus to produce a "reflorastation" of the colon. Others have not achieved this same degree of success. It may need to be combined with the specific carbohydrate diet described in the book Breaking the Vicious Cycle

Lactobacilli and bifidobacteria maintain a healthy balance of intestinal flora by producing organic compounds such as lactic acid, hydrogen peroxide, and acetic acid that increase the acidity of the intestine and inhibit the reproduction of many harmful bacteria.

This means that these metals as iron, zinc, nickel, copper,manganese should not be present BEFORE FERMENTATION and that you can use soybeans and other oxylic acids to help remove these metals from the body. Distilled water can remove metals. Youn can also visit this page to see methods to detox the body, remove metals from the body quickest.

In general, yeast need an adequate supply of sugar, nitrogen, vitamins, phosphorus, and trace metals

Overall Foods high in B Vitamins:
Raw Crimini Mushrooms are high in B2 & B3

Some foods which are considered to be high in some of the Vitamin B group are lentils, bananas, potatoes, and tempeh (soy based).
In addition, molasses and brewer's yeast are good sources of B vitamins.
Other dairy products and eggs are high in vitamin B12.
Oats, barley, wheat bran, avocado, salmon, Brazil nuts (and other nuts) are more good sources of B vitamins.

Oats Explained:

There are 2 phases to the fermentation process. The first is intestinal fermentation, followed by good fungi/microflora in the body.
The more the body can be "detoxed" before hand, the better. The beneficial fungal phase must also be very temporary, as it can put a strain on the immune system.
This good fungi, can also be helped along with the ingestion of small amounts of sunflower and soybean oil, as well as Vitamin B12 and B vitamins. Calcium and iron, as well as a slightly more alkaline PH of around 8.0, will assist with the vitamin B12 absorption and production and uptake of B vitamins. The B vitamin group is one of the most easily lost vitamins from the body, and is water soluble, therefore the body must be prepped to hold in more water, as shown by the amino acid Taurine, as well as Soluble Fiber and Glycerol.
Taurine is the second most abundant amino acid that expands cells by helping the muscle to hold more water

As we expand the size of our cells, we intake the enzymes related to fungi production. These are Protease, Lipase, Amylase and Cellulase. These enzymes also make it much more easier on the digestion of foods.

Cobalt increases vitamin B12 greatly - assists in fermentation.

Cobalt is an integral part of Vitamin B12 (cobalamin), which is necessary for myelin formation - an insulating layer found around nerves, to supports red blood cell production, and it is also essential for the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates, the synthesis of proteins, and the conversion of folate to its active form.

Good Fungi Growth Phase (after fermentation has begun)
oleic acids, linoleic acid, - foods highest are sunflower
- linolenic acid - foods highest are soybean oil

Proper PH level is critical for maximum vitamin B12 uptake and production. The uptake was observed in the alkaline environment above pH 6.3. Maximum uptake occurred at pH 8.0 The uptake reached a maximum by addition of calcium ion at a concentration of 0.3 mM, and was not alter up to 10 mM.

Magnesium comes at the very end of this process.

The common C-18 unsaturated fatty acids (oleic, linoleic, and linolenic) were the only ones present in the fungus. IYevertheless, it is evident that a shift in synthesis from an unsaturated fatty acid to ones more saturated occurs with the development of the fungus,

Vitamin B12 is a member of the vitamin B complex. It contains cobalt, and so is also known as cobalamin. It is exclusively synthesised by bacteria and is..

Abstract : The mosquito parasite Lagenidium giganteum was found to possess no detectable sterols, and the organism grew as a saprobe. The fungus took up phytosterols, such as beta-sitosterol, campesterol, ergosterol and desmosterol and these substances were found to be essential for zoospore production and thence conversion of the fungus to a mosquito parasite. Oils that are rich in three phytosterols, beta-sitosterol, campesterol and stigmasterol were found to be very effective zoospore producers. These sterols are found in soy bean oil and in hemp seed oil in these approximate ratios.

The fermentation phase can be done in the evening before going to bed (As the body is more naturally acidic at 2 a.m. in the morning). When we can get the body's cells into a temporary "fermentation of sugar" this creates an "antivenom" against aging. Glucose should not be taken as it interferes with fermentation.

Fermentation is maximized when taken with "hard water". The minerals that make water hard usually contain calcium and magnesium. In washing use, Calcium and magnesium in water interfere with the cleaning action of soap and detergent. They do this by combining with soap or detergent and forming a scum that does not dissolve in water. Hard water is better than soft water because it contains more minerals. So too does mineral water. Minerals help maintain the body pH at 7.0 or greater.

"Hard water also improves hop fermentation"
Ref: les/article/indices/11-beer-styles/39 2-build-the-perfect-pint-making-sup erlative-stout

Calcium Citrate is the most easily available form of calcium that enters the body most easiest.
Ref: /Calcium_Citrate.html

Epsom Salts are the most easily available form of magnesium that enters the body most easiest.
I have been taking epsom salts all year every morning a few sprinkles in my 500m water bottle (room temp water) and my aches and pains have all but disappeared. I remember my grandmother always put epsom salts in her tea each morning just a few sprinkles and she said so she did not get arthritis. Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) is an excellent source of magnesium, much more bio-available and less expensive than supplements. MR SARDI IS WAY OFF BASE. I FIRST HAD AN ULTRASOUND THAT SHOWED MY GALL BLADDER WAS SO FULL OF STONES THAT THE SMALL ONES HID THE LARGER ONES FROM VIEW. I THEN DID THE OLIVE OIL GRAPEFRUIT JUICE EPSOM SALT FLUSH. I PASSED SO MANY GREEN STONES IT WAS UNABLE TO COUNT. This link will also show you how to make "hard water"
http://www.earthclinic.c om/Remedies/epsom_salts.html

By mixing the calcium and magnesium with alkaline water, we now have "hard water" that can be taken to enhance fermentation and retain the beneficial minerals created by the fermentation process. THIS PROCESS MUST NOT BE OVERDONE AND ONLY DONE AT HIGHER FLUX AFTER A SOLAR FLARE AND OTHER PERIODS WHEN FERMENTATION IS NECESSARY.

First load the body with More Phosphorous, Nitrates & Foods high in Ammonia with nutrients/minerals and Hard Water
Phosphorous Synergist: Germanium & Nickel

Next take Oats, but only 2 to 3 tablespoons as it requires a long time to digest.

Glyconutrinents are taken first, than lactose, than the Lactobacillus acidophilus builds

(Maltose/Dextrin and Salt are synergists for Lactobacillus Acidophilus)

The primary dietary sources of Lactobacillus Acidophilus (also referred to as L. acidophilus) include milk (enriched with acidophilus), yogurt containing live cultures (always check the label on the container, some brands of yogurt contain a higher concentration of cultures than others), miso, and tempeh.
Miso is a concentrated savory paste made from soybeans (in other words, a fermented bean paste). Tempeh is a tender, chunky cake of fermented soybeans that is a staple of Indonesian cooking.

Glyconutrients Foods List:

Arabinogalactan - Coconut, Corn

Mannose - Xylose, Glucose - Aloe Vera

Galactose - Leeks, Onions, Avocado, Cabbage

Fucose - Spirulina, Kelp, Brewers Yeast

N-acetylneuraminic acid or sialic acid - Whey protein isolate, eggs.

N-acetylglucosamine - Shiitake Mushroom

N-acetyl-galactosamine - Bovine cartilage, Shark cartilage,

Enzyme Helpers:
DESTROSE SUGAR INGESTION & WITH Foods that contain the Glyconutrient Sugars
Sucrose: breaks down sugars. SUCRASE - Enzyme Source: Source Banana,

Fructooligosaccharid es (FOS)
Jerusalem artichoke. Found in Jerusalem artichoke tuber, chicory root, leeks, onion, garlic, oats, barley, rye
The Jerusalem artichoke and its relative, yacón have been found to have the highest concentrations of FOS of cultured plants.[citation needed]
Jerusalem artichoke which is a oligosaccharides is a short chain fatty acid. Short chain fatty acids help increase absorption of nutrients into the body and assist in intestinal fermentation.

Psyllium encourages the growth of healthful, "friendly" intestinal bacteria such as Lactobacillus acidophilous and bifidobacteria which are helpful in regulating bowel movements.

No metals such as copper etc. during fermentation. As manganese and vitamin B production increase immensely during this phase.


Next take Vitamin K2 (helps start intestinal fermentation)

And another synergist is Lactose, which Lactobacillus acidophilus feeds on and can multiply much more rapidly.

Foods highest in Lactose:
Eggnog 6208mg, Cottage Cheese 4334mg, Raw Maitake, Mushrooms 1783mg,

( dry curd cottage cheese as better than regular cottage cheese)

Foods highest in Lactobacillus acidophilus
Acidophilus milk, Yogurt, Soy Tempeh, and Idli (cultured wheat).
Lactobacilli species do not survive very long in the colon, so bacteria colonies need to be routinely replenished.
The friendly bacteria in these foods, specifically Lactobacillus acidophilus, L. bulgaricus, and Bifidobacterium bifidum, multiply in the warm, moist environment of the human body by feeding on the carbohydrates and protein in the digestive tract, then establish colonies along the intestinal wall.

The glyconutrients are what the good bacteria feed on and use for their energy source
You can make your own glyconutrients here:

Combined addition of glucose and acetate led to increase in hydrogen ion to the level. When this hydrogen level increases, the lipid metabolism increases. These hydrogen ions are what make up cosmic rays

Fermentation Synergist:
Foods highest in Vitamin B12

After fermentation has begun:
Lipid Metabolism:
Sugar beet pulp and apple pomace dietary fibers improve lipid metabolism

Chromium also regulates lipid metabolism

Oregano Synergists:
Cranberry, Lactic Acid (available from cottage cheese, or from exercising), Blueberry, Grape Seed Extract,
( dry curd cottage cheese as better than regular cottage cheese)
Thyme, Marjoram & Basil
Sage & Coriander
Sage and Oregano
fenugreek > coriander > oregano >
a-tocopherol (found in sunflower oil and wheat germ)

Butter also contains anti-microbial properties, so it has fungus-inhibiting effects

The following are most antimicrobial: basil, oregano, rosemary, sage and thyme.

Oregano – Thymol and carvacrol are two of oregano's potent antibacterial properties. A study in Mexico found oregano to be more effective against an amoeba than a common prescription drug called tinidazol. Oregano works in the intestinal tract to kill unfriendly bacteria without damage to the friendly bacteria. It is a effective against candida albicans overgrowth throughout the body, and particularly in the sinus cavities. It has 4 times the antioxidant activity of blueberries.

Other spices that contain yeast/fungus-inhibiting properties such as garlic, onion, cinnamon, ginger, scallion, basil, rosemary, dill, sage, parsley, cardamom, nutmeg, fennel, anise, clove, coriander, leek, chives. Of these Oregano is the best.

Diastase is what helps break down starches into sugar, than into fermentation. Barley contains lots of Diastase.

Quercetin raises blood sugar concentrations

Coriander and Cinnamon help your body metabolize sugars more effectively and maintain steadier blood sugar levels

Insulin quickly removes the sugar from your bloodstream causing your blood sugar level to drop rapidly to levels lower than normal. This is known as a ‘crash’. Insulin is responsible for pulling glucose out of the bloodstream and giving it to the body cells where it can be used immediately as energy or put into ‘storage’ for later use. If you consume too many, or the wrong type of carbohydrates, a sharp peak in blood sugar occurs which causes a sharp rise in insulin. The result is an energy burst also known as a ‘sugar rush’.

Take Cod Liver Oil (longer-chain omega 3 fatty acids) to assist in proper glucose absorption.

Centenarians, people who have lived over 100 years, don't have much in common. However, there are 3 consistent blood metabolic indicators of all centenarians which are relatively consistent: low sugar, low triglycerides, and low insulin. All 3 are relatively low for age. Among these 3 variables, insulin is the common denominator. The level of insulin sensitivity of the cell is one of the most important markers of lifespan. Controlling your insulin levels is one of the most powerful anti-aging strategies you can possibly implement. Sugar and grains cause your body to produce insulin and high insulin levels are the single largest physical cause of accelerated aging. etoxification-diet/insulin.htm

Chromium helps insulin to work efficiently

During fermentation of the cells with Glucose, the Mitrochondria engine is suppressed, after these sugars are removed from the body, the mitrochondria engine speeds up rapidly
To induce fermentation Red Beets and Yeast

To remove sugar from the body:

Reduce Fructose Intake
Starchy foods and potatoes help stimulate insulin release.
Drink plenty of water to help your body flush all the extras that you do not really need.

After this sugar has been removed, the good bacteria begins to multiply. This is a key area, as this is what gives our body's cells new life.

Magnesium is taken next:
Magnesium Synergists:
Chromium, zinc, boron, CoQ10, Vitamin B2,
Vitamin B6, [calcium, Vit D], insoluble fiber,
vitamin B1, B2, B6, and B12 catalyze various biological reactions such as beta-replacement reactions
Magnesium uptake is improved when the magnesium supplement also includes zinc, manganese and copper.
Magnesium and Chromium (found in brewers yeast) help increase the entry of glucose into the body's cells.

To maximize cellular absorption:
OROTATE: Minerals bound to Orotic Acid (B13). These penetrate the entire cellular membrane and deliver the active mineral

------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------

The below is what is used to create good bacteria/fungi in the body. The magnesium above is what starts this good bacteria growth (it is important to keep these at the proper ratios of 1:1). These must not be over-ingested, as too much is not good.

Bacterial Synergism: B6 (pyroxidine) + B7 (Biotin) + Vitamin H - (Vitamin E always comes last at the end)

Manganese - Pineapple, Ginger and Cloves,

Sulphur and Nitrogen - Eggs,

Phosphorous - Apple Cider, Portabella Mushrooms 1000mg ,

Potassium - Watercress, Raw Potato 1000mg, Maitake Mushroom 1000 mg, Ginger 1000mg, Shittake 1000mg

Magnesium - Raw Spinach 700 mg,

Iron - Thyme 70mg, Parsley 70mg, Salt

Zinc - Wheat Germ

Thiamine B1 - Sunflower Seeds

Biotin - Swiss Chard, boiled or raw

------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------- -------------------------

You can also take foods rich in Natural occurring Fungal (Mold) Protein-Allergens which are key to longevity These are:

Dried Fruit - Raisins, apricots, prunes, figs, etc.
Aged Cheese - Some cheeses are okay if milk is not a problem, e.g. cottage cheese, mozzarella, provolone, ricotta and farmers cheese
( dry curd cottage cheese as better than regular cottage cheese)
Over-ripe Fruits and Vegetables - (Discolored, wilted, mushy)
Tomato Products - Juice, sauce, paste, ketchup, etc. are made from moldy tomatoes.
Beer - The darker the brew, the more mold it contains.
Wine & Wine Vinegar - Red wine is least moldy;
Multi-B Vitamins - Contain either yeast or mold (rice hulls are moldy).
Products of Aspergillus Fermentation - Soy Sauce - Chocolate - Tea (black) - Malt Extract (breads, cereals) - Lactaid (milk additive) -
Citric Acid (a common food additive (not derived from citrus fruit)) - Fruit Juice (commercial-often from moldy fruit; many contain mold
enzymes added in processing) -

The same ingredients that stabilize lard such as Quercetin, Rutin, Kaempferol, Luteolin, Fustin, Catechin, Lecithin, etc., are some of the most powerful antioxidants known, and are taken at the end. Synergists are copper, mag and zinc.

Broccoli, Brussels sprout, Cabbage, Carrot, Cauliflower, Garlic, Kale, Onion, Tomato, Turnip, Papaya, Pineapple
"These phytochemicals not only protect the plant itself from solar radiation or insect invasion, but consumption of these chemicals by humans has shown to keep cells in the body healthy and stable in many ways"

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************************* *** CELLULAR RESPIRATION PHASE

Mitochondrion Explained:

Acetyl-L-carnitine is a mitochondrial metabolite that facilitates the movement of fatty acids into the mitochondria for energy and is also used to generate acetyl coenzyme A.

Cellular respiration allows organisms to use (release) energy stored in the chemical bonds of glucose (C6H12O6). The energy in glucose is used to produce ATP. Cells use ATP to supply their energy needs. Cellular respiration is therefore a process in which the energy in glucose is transferred to ATP

Foods that increase cellular respiration/ mitochondria oxygen

Yeast and Beet Juice
Beet juice and Chrobry
DMG (Dimethylglycine)

L-CARNITINE cetyl-l-carnitine-Order.htm
Montmorillonite Clay
Vitamin E increases cellular respiration
Vitamin E synergist: CoQ10
Selenium should always be combined with Vitamin E being_responsible.html

Vitamin B2 is necessary for effective cellular respiration

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Metabolism Heading:

When your metabolism is higher and more balanced you are more naturally healthier.

After the body's circulation is increased, the body's metabolism will increase in speed thereafter. When the body is loaded with oxygen before the circulation is increased, this also helps the metabolism speed up. This increase in metabolism comes first, as it also increases the nutrients into our cells, than the ATP, catalase The body’s metabolic rate is highest during the morning and early afternoon hours (highest solar irridiance or "solar noon" period

Foods that increase metabolism:
Cayenne Pepper, Salsa, Hot Peppers, Chili Sauce / Mustard, Ice Water, Green Tea (Iced or Hot), Apple Cider Vinegar Drink, Cabbage, Celery, Brussel Sprouts, Grapefruit, Oatmeal,
Source: -Specific-Foods-To-Raise-Your-Me tabolism-and-Help-Burn-Body-Fat& amp;id=378404

Green Tea and Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide (use in moderation)

Mice with a high metabolism live longer than their low-metabolism counterparts, a finding that conflicts with a long-held theory of aging and suggests new approaches to extending lifespan. The findings come from a seven-year study of mice by UK researchers from the University of Aberdeen, the Rowett Research Institute and the Medical Research
Council in Cambridge The researchers found that mice with the highest metabolic rates lived the longest, and their findings suggest that interventions could be used to mimic the effect and increase lifespan in humans. In their study, however, the UK researchers found that the most metabolically active 25% of mice lived 36% longer than the least metabolically active—the equivalent of an extra 27 years in human lifespan.

Cold Showers & Ginger, etc, speeds up the body's metabolism

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This phase is where we get our body's cells "online" and humming. ATP and Cataylse activity are key to this. (During this phase, minerals such as iron, zinc, nickel, copper,manganese should not be taken) Metals such as copper etc., slow down and stop the cataylase reaction. It is during this phase, calcium is introduced to help with the rebuilding. Best period to start the ATP / Cataylase process The period 48 to 72 hours just after a Full Moon and when the cosmic ray, and solar Irridiance counts are higher.

The overall result shows that monosaccharides in particular galactose and glucose are the best energy source for a cell.

Before the ATP "Energizing" Positive charged ions (Sodium, Calcium, Boron, Magnesium) should be taken first

Of all the nutritional supplements available to us currently, creatine appears to be the most effective for maintaining or raising ATP levels. Creatine Monohydrate is best taken with a simple sugar solution (Dextrose), which rapidly increases the uptake of creatine to the muscle cells. The absorption of creatine is enhanced when it is taken together with dextrose or carbohydrate foods, such as fruits, fruit juices and starches. Creatine Monohydrate is best taken with a simple sugar solution (Dextrose), which rapidly increases
the uptake of creatine to the muscle cells
Ref: scounts-/c-xtreme-creatine/prod_72 .html
Co Q-10 is a powerful antioxidant and works as a catalyst in ATP production in mitochondria.
Carnitine is important to the transport of fat into the mitochondria where it is "burnt" for energy. Carnitine removes the biochemical "ashes" remaining after the fat is metabolized to energy.

Wheatgrass HELPS induce a "catalase" reaction. You can load the body up with wheatgrass before starting the catalase reaction.
Cereal Grasses and Wheatgrass contain the highest levels of Catalase and SOD
How to increase the catalase speed: Ways to do this are by taking in polyphenols, which increase nitrogen
Food sources of SOD: Barley grass, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage,
Catalase Synergist: Superoxide Dismutase
Make the body more alkaline
Catalase works best in neutral or slightly alkaline conditions and oxygen speeds the reaction rate

Without genetic engineering, there are several compounds that have been linked with increased catalase expression.
One group of these compounds are apple polyphenols, especially a compound quercetin, and they were found in a Spanish study released in 2005 to increase glutathione concentration and gene expression of Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase and catalase.
The compound has also been linked to deprenyl, which has been shown to boost the production of both Superoxide Dismutase and Catalase.
Foods that have a high tyramine content (most common in foods that are aged or fermented to increase their flavor), such as cheeses; fava or broad bean pods; yeast or meat extracts; smoked or pickled meat, poultry, or fish; fermented sausage (bologna, pepperoni, salami, summer sausage) or other fermented meat; sauerkraut; or any overripe fruit
quercetin & rutin, polyphenols and related synergists, are the key to increasing the cataylse reaction.
Quercetin Synergist: a-tocopherol
Green Tea is high in polyphenols and has been known for its life extension properties.

Increasing Nutrient Delivery and "energizing":
The overall result shows that monosaccharides in particular galactose and glucose were the best energy source for a cell.
Rhodiola Rosea L., also known as “golden root” or “roseroot”
Calcium and nitric oxide increases mitochondrial swelling
R. rosea extract activated the synthesis or re synthesis of ATP in mitochondria and stimulated reparative energy processes after intense exercise /rhodiola.html

Other lesser methods of Increasing Cataylse:

Increase the size of the Mitochondria:

Taurine is the second most abundant amino acid that expands cells by helping the muscle to hold more water

Alkali metal salts such as sodium, potassium, WITH DISTILLED WATER
Potassium Chloride Plus Silica is a simple form of potassium that is readily absorbed. Potassium is the principle intracellular electrolyte mineral that is vital for normal cell functioning
http://www.lifesvigo a-100-capsules-alta-health-product s.html
Rhodiola rosea, also known as the golden root, grows in cold climates at high altitudes and has been used by Scandinavians and Russians for centuries for its anti-stress qualities. On average, Rhodiola increased survival for 3.5 days in males and 3.2 days in females of fruit flies m/022568.html

Larginine is the physiological precursor for the formation of nitric oxide cmjournal/Fulltext/1999/07000/Tum or_necrosis_factor_alpha_and_inte rleukin_1_beta.18.aspx
Nitric Oxide is produced from the amino acid L-arginine by the enzymatic action of nitric oxide synthase Blood%20Flow/BF011.htm

Another way to increase nitric oxide is through diet, most notably by consuming the amino acids L-arginine and L-citrulline.

Amino acids that should be taken during this phase:
Ammonia, Glutamic Acid, Glycine, Arginine, Alanine, Lysin, memethionine, phenylalanine, threonine, valine, leucine and isoleucine. - These can be found in Blue Green Algae and Spirulina Compounds.
ARGINATES, ASPARTATE: This mineral form is bound to the amino acid arginine. It is able to deliver the mineral to the outer layer of the Inner Cell Membrane. Potassium, Potatoes (starches) lysine, glutamic acid, aspartic acid, and arginine, (arginine synergist: Pycnogenol )
Spirulina Synergist - Green Tea & Chlorella
Green tea is synergetic with ginkgo biloba and turmeric extract
The following combination:
Spirulina + Vitamin E + Foods High in Phosphorus and Nitrogen

When the body is highly alkaline, watch the amount of time spent in "cold cataylse", as it is more vulnerable to bad bacteria
How to increase the catalase speed: Ways to do this are by taking in polyphenols, which increase nitrogen
Ginger, Potato Skins, procyanidins and quercetin.
Other Quercetin Foods:
Onions, Tea, Apples, Cranberries, Buckwheat, Beans
Quercin Synergist: Glutathione
Ref: es/2001-02/982369733.Gb.r.html< BR>Emotions can also increase the Catalase Speed:
Exposure to sunlight increases catalase activity (109-145%) bmed/11181450


Magnesium and Chromium (found in brewers yeast) help increase the entry of glucose into the body's cells. It also shows that with the increase in glucose, calcium levels drop, which is why after the flare, it is key to increase the levels of calcium into the body. s?id=VCj-VH8AZIkC&pg=PA 108&lpg=PA108&dq=cal cium,+magnesium+%2B+glucose+l evels&source=bl&ots=_ CNSt Txp7d&sig=Y97C-0rYP_lD7q uduIZhgKvgVFM&hl=en& ei=v4t7SrfBMYqusgP-gNXvCg&am p;sa=X&oi=book_result& ct=result&resnum=10#v=onep age&q=cal cium%2C%20magnesium%20%2 B%20glucose%20levels&f=fal se

Wheatgrass - Alfalfa, Barley
Aspartic: Acid

How to increase the catalase speed: Ways to do this are by taking in polyphenols, which increase nitrogen
Ginger, Potato Skins, procyanidins and quercetin.
Ref: es/2001-02/982369733.Gb.r.html< BR>Emotions can also increase the Catalase Speed:
Exposure to sunlight increases catalase activity (109-145%) bmed/11181450

Wheatgrass HELPS induce a "catalase" reaction. You can load the body up with wheatgrass before starting the catalase reaction.
Cereal Grasses and Wheatgrass contain the highest levels of Catalase and SOD


Wheatgrass - Alfalfa, Barley
Aspartic: Acid

Herbs that increase the Cataylse Process:
Chamomile, Rosehip, Hawthorn, Lemon Verbena, and Green Tea
Furthermore, herbs used in this study showed higher protective effect on gap–junction intercellular communication (GJIC) as compared to gallic acid and catechin, and also enhancedactivity of the antioxidative enzymes such as superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) in a dose-dependent manner.
http://www.sciencedir amp;_udi=B6T6R-4P5NX89-1&am p;_user=10&_rdoc=1&_f mt=&_orig=search&_sort =d&_docanchor=&view= c&_searchStrId=10687
8 2747&_rerunOrigin=google&a mp;_acct=C000050221&_ver sion=1&_urlVersion=0&_ userid=10&md5=53d1feac78 0de1d57c8254e9b4762a29

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TEMPORARY COLD EXPOSURE CAN HELP INCREASE CATAYLSE SPEED. When this speed occurs, it "cleanses" the cells and renews them, especially when are body's are filled with life renewing foods/vitamins/minerals. You will feel a "click" after spending time in the cool water,this is when you stop your cold shower

take before going to cold water to maximize circulation: cypress, lemon, ginger. It is also possible to improve blood circulation cayenne pepper, gingko biloba, root ginger, garlic.
The best circulation stimulants:
Lemon, Ginger, Black Pepper (Black Pepper Oil),

Others include:
Cinnamon, Rosemary, Vetiver, Cedarwood, Coriander, Eucalyptus, Pine,

Others are
L-glutamine and oligosaccharides
Read more: 080199448#ixzz0VcYrEVbl

------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------- ------------------

After Shower or Catalyze Increase, take MANGANESE and the following:

Vinegar and Lemon Juice contain the most number of loose hydrogen atoms (hydrogen ions).

Purple foods which are high in Anthocyanins, strongly bind electrons with hydrogen to regenerate the body.
Anthocyanins synergists include: Vitamin C.
Ascorbyl Palmitate (the fat soluble vitamin C) is more powerful than normal / general Vitamin C."Ascorbyl palmitate is an ester formed from ascorbic acid and palmitic acid creating a fat-soluble form of vitamin C" ble.php
Strawberries have a high content of anthocyanins. Bilberry, Blackberry and Black Currant also have a high concentration of anthocyanins.
blueberries, cherries, raspberries, strawberries, black currants, purple grapes and red wine. The berry nectars including grapes (vitis vinifera var), bilberries, and blueberries (vaccinium myrtillus), elderberries (sambucus cerulean), cranberries (vaccinium macrocarpon) and prunes (prunus domestica) are some of the richest sources of anthocyanins Some anthocyanins have been shown to be four times as powerful as vitamin E.

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Foods highest in hydrogen ions are taken next:

Purple foods which are high in Anthocyanins, strongly bind electrons with hydrogen to regenerate
Vinegar and Lemon Juice contain the most number of loose hydrogen atoms (hydrogen ions).

Strawberries have a high content of anthocyanins. Bilberry, Blackberry and Black Currant also have a high concentration of anthocyanins.

Anthocyanins synergists include: Vitamin C.

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General Solar Flare Periods:

********************* 0-3 or Just Before an Active or Higher KP Period & DURING A FLAT KP PERIOD

Just before a flare very short term "oxidative stress" via hydrogen peroxide or Chromium Polynicotinate will help the body's cells build up resistance from the upcoming flare disruption. Spiritual Clearing, Forgiveness, or other works to cleanse your etheric/emotional garbage out of your system. If you have built up resentment, hate anger or forgiveness, this will build up unnecessary toxins in your system, thus inhibiting the natural healing process. You will find that your body will breathe easier and feel much better when you have cleaned out your emotional body. Works such as Forgiveness etc, greatly accelerate this. More Simple Carbohydrate Fruit Foods. THESE UNNCESSARY BUILT UP NEGATIVE EMOTIONAL ISSUES WILL BECOME MAGNIFIED AFTER THE SOLAR FLARE, IF YOU DON'T RELEASE THEM BEFORE HAND.

Hydrogen peroxide should be taken in moderation as it creates a short term "oxidative stress" It should also be taken a little more often when the KP is at flat levels to create beneficial short term "oxidative stress" as a resistance to the larger stress that will occur when the KP goes higher later on.

Additional "Oxidative Stress Inhibitors"
Nicotinamide, Nicotinic acid, Iron Overloading, Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide, Lactic Acid, Foods high in Nitrates, Refined Sugar,
Interestingly, nicotinamide was the most potent inhibitor FOR THE SIR2 Protein Activation. Of all compounds tested, none were found to activate the
enzymes. Instead, varying levels of inhibition were observed. Nicotinamide was by far the most potent inhibitory molecule
http://w ll.pdf

No junk food intake

Pine Bark Extract, Grape Juice

Lower Protein Intake Additional Foods:
Tomatoes (18 calories - 11 mg calcium, 11 magnesium, 24 phos - carb to protein 3.92 to 0.88) - Alkaline
Honeydew (36 calories - 6 mg calcium, 10 magnesium, 11 phos - carb to protein 9.09 to 0.54) Sugar 8.12 - Alkaline
Cantaloupe (34 calories - 9 mg calcium, 12 magnesium, 15 phos - carb to protein 8.16 to 0.84) Sugar - 7.86 Alkaline
Apples (52 calories - 6 mg calcium, 5 magnesium, 11 phos - carb to protein 13.8 to 0.26) - Alkaline
Brussel sprouts (43 calories - 42 mg calcium, 23 magnesium, 69 phos - carb to protein 8.95 to 3.38) - Alkaline - MORE CALCIUM RETAINING
Grapes (67 calories - calcium 14, magnesium 5, phos 10 - carb to protein 17.2 to 0.63) - Alkaline Forming
Asparagus (20 calories - 24 mg calcium, 14 magnesium, 52 phos - carb to protein 3.88 to 2.2) Alkaline Forming
Passion fruit juice (51 calories - 4 mg calcium, 17 magnesium, 13 phos - carb to protein 13.6 to 0.39) - Alkaline Forming
Kiwi Fruit (61 calories - 34 mg calcium, 17 magnesium, 34 phos - carb to protein 14.7 to 1.14) - Alkaline Forming
Basil 676 units/gram (23 calories - 177 mg calcium, 64 magnesium, 56 phos - carb to protein 2.65 to 3.15)
Parsnips Peas (75 calories - 36 mg calcium, 29 magnesium, 71 phos - carb to protein 18 to 1.2) Alkaline - CALCIUM RETAINING

Reduced Salt Intake

Enzyme Helper:
Lipase: breaks down fats. LIPASE - Enzyme Source: Source Ginger

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*************** JUST BEFORE PEAK SOLAR FLARE PERIOD or 4 to 8 hours before flare or just as the solar wind begins its rise -

Foods highest in Vitamin C and Iron
Orange, Grapefruit and Avocado helps the body absorb more iron.
Spinach, Parsley, Beets, Raw Asparagus,
http://www.nutritio 00000000.html

Fruits are:
Apricot, Dates, Prunes, avocados, currants, Figs

The Best Are:
Prunes, Parsley, Apricots, Spinach, Asparagus,

Ascorbyl Palmitate (the fat soluble vitamin C) is more powerful than normal / general Vitamin C."
Raw Carrots
Bioflavonoids + VITAMIN C at "rising wind"

Alfalfa (23 calories - 32 mg calcium, 27 magnesium, 70 phos - carb to protein 2.1 to 3.99) - Alkaline
Spinach, Spinach (23 calories - 99 mg calcium, 79 magnesium, 49 phos - carb to protein 3.63 to 2.86) Alkaline
Strengthen blood flow and arteries - apricots, cherries, prunes, rose hips,
Vitamin A Loading (from carrots & Raw Parsley)
Raw Parsley (36 calories - 138 mg calcium, 50 magnesium, 58 phos - carb to protein 6.33 to 2.97)
Foods that Donate Electrons: Vitamin C and E, Grape Seed Extract, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Grape Juice
Lycopene, Lutein - take with avocado
Beta Carotene (Vitamin A) is both a good electron donor and also a good electron acceptor
Beta Carotene (Vitamin A) Synergists: Sodium
Vitamin A Synergists: Iron, manganese, Vitamin C, EFA fats, conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), [zinc, Vitamin E, alcohol],
these should not be in the body: Zinc, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, mineral oil, [iron], alcohol, light, heat, air,
Fat Metabolism must be increased via L-Carntine
Enzyme Lipase: breaks down fats. LIPASE - Enzyme Source: Source Ginger

When you maximize your intent/belief at this time the F1 layer in earth's atmosphere absorbs this intent energy and becomes charged. 3 or 4 days later when the increased cosmic rays arrive from the sun, it ionizes it and brings it into our reality. It is this "re-connective energy" 3-4 later after the solar flare that creates our reality. When you do the pole balancing 3-4 days later when this "white light" energy is stronger/higher it "re-generates the body". This is a very special part of the phase / process. It shows how belief / intent plays a part in the process.
Mr. Edward Leedskalnin was putting this same intent/consciousness energy into the earth using the rotating flywheel magnetic apparatus as shown in this video.
It is preferable to put the intent into the location where you do the pole balancing so that 3 to 4 days later this energy "returns" as rejuvenation energy. Research also shows that intention when done in the same location magnifies the energies.
Remember to put intent that your body will rejuvenate/become youthful in 3 to 4 days time, use visualization to help this. This time period also corresponds with the same time that christ when to the mount of olives to pray, signifying intent. This would be maximized around 3 in the morning. Remember Mr. Edward Leedskalnin always worked at night. The time of 2 a.m. to 4 a.m., is the time the body and current geographic location is most acid.

Not only that but the foods that donate electrons such as Vitamin C and E, Grape Seed Extract, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Grape Juice
Lycopene, Lutein - take with avocado
Others are:
Beta Carotene (Vitamin A) is both a good electron donor and also a good electron acceptor
Beta Carotene (Vitamin A) Synergists: Sodium
Vitamin A Synergists: Iron, manganese, Vitamin C, EFA fats, conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), [zinc, Vitamin E, alcohol],
these should not be in the body: Zinc, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, mineral oil, [iron], alcohol, light, heat, air
Fat Metabolism must be increased via L-Carntine
When we do the pole balancing and "train our consciousness" these foods are affected by our "mind field" when we do the pole balancing and help rebuild our body's cells and muscles during the exercise.
Best Seasonal Locations:

At equinoxes/Solstices, be at a higher altitude and at areas with a higher positive ion count:
This energy "light" energy (which is the light that occurs when we hold the energy in) is more prevalent during a full moon. This is because during a full moon there are more positive ions in the air. This is because the magnesium in our blood creates ionic compounds. Other places of Positive Ions Are: The atmosphere before a storm, Full Moon, Air Conditioners, /vchembook/143Amgoxide.htmlPositive Ions by Geographic Regions: -ion-effect.htm
Germany........... .............Foehn & Tramontana
Austria.................. .........Foehn
Israel...................... .......Sharav
Egypt...................... .......Khamsin
Italy...................... .........Sirocco
Central France..............Autan
Californi a......................Santa Ana
Argentina......................Zo nda
Canada.........................Chi nook
Malta............................Xl okk
Java..............................Ko ebang & Gending
Northern Sumatra........Bohorok
Libya.... .........................Sharkia
New Dehli....................The Desert Wind
Australia......................Th e Desert Wind (K-3)

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************************* ********************** FLARE PEAK PERIODS

Ellagic acid (Pomegranate is high in Ellagic Acid) in combination with glucose makes a water-soluble compound that is easily absorbed by the body.

It turns out that the same ellagic acid that stops viruses from entering our cells and causes bacteria to unravel their DNA also inhibits a key pathway in the life cycle of fungi and yeast. Fungi and yeast are types of plants and so have a different type of cell wall than we do. Whereas our cell walls are made up of proteins and fats, and are soft and pliable, their cell walls are made up of sugars, one of which is called Chitin.

Less ATP production during this phase, and more "protective" antioxidants for the body. After this flare, we re-start the ATP production so the cells and "breathe" again, rather than breathe in during a solar flare period which can cause damage and aging to the body. Digestion is harder and circulation is "more toxic". Simple Carbohydrates at this time. (Comes from fruits). Stay away from white flower as much as possible as these create a "glue" in the body from the incoming solar electrons. Avoid cravings of junk food. Have more gratitude and appreciation for your current healthy diet to offset these cravings. Simple carbs are digested quickly because the individual sugars are ready to be absorbed immediately plus digestive enzymes have easy access to the bonds in the paired molecules.

The most powerful foods for this period are:

Pomegranate Seeds and Blueberries. Blueberries and Pomegranate seeds as well as Elderberries- These are simple carbs

(VitroHot Pepper ) Capiscum or protects the body from oxidative stress that occurs in the brain

Cloves & Cinnamon (Highest ORAC Free Radical Protection)

Taking the blueberry, pomegranate etc at the highest solar storm period when geomagnetic energy is highest is key, because research is showing that this first spike of higher geomagnetic activity has a negative influence on the cardiovascular system:

"Higher or Disturbed Earth's Geomagnetism affects cardiovascular health"
Ref: h?hl=en&source=hp&q=c ardiovascular+%2B+geomagnetic+ storms&aq=f&oq=& aqi=

Raw Parsley

Alpha lipoic acid converts glucose (blood sugar) into energy The dose that was best tolerated while still providing benefit was 600 mg once daily.

The reason Alpha lipoic acid and acetyl L-carnitine have such powerful rejuvenating effects, is because they are electron donators. They enhance the electron transport function and donate electrons. L-Carnitine comes from methionine. This is a sulphur amino acid which has binding action.

Other electron donators: (Alpha-Gluteric acid, L-carnitine, Lipoic acid, Vitamins B2, B5, B-complex, Magnesium Therapy)
citrus juices, such as orange juice, lemon juice, lime juice, grapefruit juice, tangerine juice
Vitamin C and E, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Bananas (potassium rich), + bioflavonoids
Minerals: Zinc, Selenium, Chromium, Magnetite, Sea Salt, Manganese, (Lithium is a Manganese stabilizer)
(Coenzyme Q10, DMG, L-Carnitine, Ferulic acid
Lactose which is a component that Lactobacillus acidophilus feeds on. Lactose is also an electron donator.

Ellagic Acid & polyphenols should be taken for protection
Synergists: Copper, Iron and Zinc
Orange, Grapefruit and Avocado helps the body absorb more iron.
The correct ratio of Zinc to Copper is 5:1 for females and 10:1 for males.
Take foods rich in Ellagic Acid. Ellagic acid, a phenolic acid is found in berries (raspberries, strawberries), pomegranate, grapes, and nuts
milk thistle and garlic
very high alpha-tocopherol Stronger Tocopherol Source: Rice Bran Oil and the Annatto Bean
When guinea pigs were fasted for 4 days, the concentration of tocopherol in the fat tissue increased /content/full/190/5/1554?maxtosho w=&HITS=10&hits=10&a mp;RESULTFORMAT=&fullte xt=cfu&searchid=1&FIRS TINDEX=1340&resourcetype =HWFIG

After the solar flux has died down:
Insoluble fiber and a short "detox" or "fast" to eliminate any built up toxins. (Wheat Bran is highest)

Usually just after this flare (higher KP values), we bring the body into the "FERMENTATION PHASE" as shown above earlier. Simple Carbs are the pre-curser to this fermentation process.

Phytates and Oxalic Acids can also be taken - Always temporary use - as over use will remove important minerals from the body.

This must only be taken at the flare peak, as the Phytic Acids bind to calcium, magnesium and other important minerals. We take the Phytic Acids at the peak.

Foods highest in Phytic Acid:
Rice Bran

Vegetables with high levels of oxalic acid include spinach, rhubarb, chard, beets and beet leaves.

At this stage we are using the Phytates as "antioxidants" to shield our body against negative geomagnetic energy that is occurring at the peak of the flare.

Phytic acid has antioxidant, anticancer, hypocholesterolemic and hypolipidemic effects.

"Probiotic lactobacilli, and other species of the endogenous digestive microflora as well, are an important source of the enzyme phytase"

Phytic acid may be considered a phytonutrient, providing an antioxidant effect. Phytic acid is one of few chelating therapies used for uranium removal.

Phytic acid attaches to toxins and removes them.,+grains+%2B+highest,+most&source=bl&ots=oyyEietFEe&sig=qUGGX-h9fMOns9v1DU1MHO-yCxo&hl=en&ei=ULrzSa3yEqGwtgPmx4HyCg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=7#PPA183,M1

Since souring grains reduces the phytic acid content, the lactic acid fermentation process actually enables your body to absorb more minerals from the grain than you would be able to otherwise absorb. The end result is that you get more bang for your nutritional buck by souring the grains you eat.

To remove Phytic Acids, usually found in dried nuts and seeds, one method is soaking in an acid medium such as lactic acid fermentation, and sprouting.

Phytic acid (IP6), derived as an extract from rice bran, is the most potent natural iron chelator and has strong antibiotic and antioxidant action. [Free Radical Biology Medicine, Volume 8, 1990; Journal Biological Chemistry, August 25, 1987] IP6 has been found to have similar iron-chelating properties as desferrioxamine, a drug commonly used to kill germs, tumor cells or to remove undesirable minerals from the body.
[Biochemistry Journal, September 15, 1993]


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Just after the peak of the flare. This is when the KP is much higher. If the sun's BZ if facing south during this time, strengthen the immune system. (Immune strengthening agents are shown on this page). BZ can be in any direction after a solar flare.

Insoluble Fiber taken to wash out toxins.

Intake of Probiotics (such as yogurt and kefir) - these add good bacteria to the system.

Increase Amylase Enzyme

Amylase Activity increased via Cranberry, Blueberry, and Grape Seed. As the image shows below, you can make these into a synergistic combination. Amylase is commonly found in pineapples, bananas, raisins, and squash
Enzyme Source: Source:Malt and Barley, Cabbage, Wheat, Rice,

________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ________

Higher Solar Flux and More KP Activity After Flare

The very first "slow down" after the solar flare, after this "fermentation" period, of the cells with Glucose, when you remove the sugars from the body, the mitrochondria engine speeds up rapidly. It is at this time you can also increase your ATP production as shown further down this page>

To remove sugar from the body:

Reduce Fructose Intake
Starchy foods and potatoes help stimulate insulin release.
Drink plenty of water to help your body flush all the extras that you do not really need.

The very first KP increase after a flare taking the Vitamin C + Potassium (or Potassium Bicarbonate) + Fish Oil + Chromium + Pomegranate Juice + Iron (more iron) will have a very positive benefit, and again when the 2MEV electrons show a higher count over the past few hours.

Foods high in Glyconutrients: Galactose, Xylose & AFTER FLARE

Cinnamon helps your body metabolize sugars more effectively and maintain steadier blood sugar levels

Nitrate and Phosphorous -
Foods highest in phosphorus include asparagus, brewers yeast, dairy products, eggs, fish, dried fruit, meats, garlic, legumes, nuts and seeds, and whole grains. Eggs are especially high in Nitrogen. eriodic/LifeElement.php
Other foods highest in phosphorous are:
Apple Cider, Cheese, Coffee, Watercress, Rice Bran, Mushrooms, Wheat Bran, White Mushrooms, ml
For Vegetables high in Phosphorous they are:
Parsley, Chives,

Nitrogen metabolism
Molybdenum is essential, but is only required in extremely small amounts. It aids in nitrogen metabolism, the conversion of purines to uric acid, and normal cell function.
Molybdenum can be found in barley, cereal oats, wheat germ, sunflower seeds

****************** Fermentation Phase

NO IRON, ZINC, NICKEL, COPPER OR MANAGNESE during this period. We can help increase the good bacteria in our body after a solar flare by using the Fermentation Process as shown below:

Calcium is taken at this time.

Enzyme Helpers:
Lactase: breaks down dairy products. LACTASE - Enzyme Source: Source Yogurt, Kefir
PHYTASE - Helps with digestion in general, and is especially effective in producing vital nutrients of the B-Complex. Enzyme Source: Source Barley

Foods high in Ammonia help assist more in the fermentation process.
Which are aged cheeses -

Foods high in Ethanol can also help boost and accelerate the fermentation/good bacteria process:
Foods high in Ethanol: ents/ehc/ehc/ehc196.htm#SubSecti onNumber:5.1.3
http://answers 081112172421AAPmTU4

Ethylene also helps:
Foods with high Ethylene: Fruit Cake, Bananas, Roasted Sesame Seeds, Burdock + Also Known as Cocklebur, Gobo root, Clot bur, Burr Seed
Arctium lappa, - Great Burdock Arctium Minus - Lesser Burdock

Other foods that help in the fermentation process:

Maltose/Dextrin is a body detoxer and fermentation ingredient - These are both taken with Lactobacillus Acidophilus
___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ________________________

************************* ********* 1-4 or More Active Solar Flux Periods Just after a Solar Flare. Also see heading "Higher Solar Flux Just After a Solar Flare" as shown above.


Increased Carbohydrate metabolism - B1 Thiamine. Simple Carbohydrates. During this phase, digestion is harder on the body and circulation is harder on the body. CATAYLSE /SOD REACTION PROCESS - (During this phase, minerals such as iron, zinc, nickel, copper,manganese should not be taken) We want to induce a "fermentation" process that induces good bacteria in the body. Foods highest in Phosphorus and Nitrogen should be taken during this time. There should be no iron intake.

(VitroHot Pepper ) Capiscum or protects the body from oxidative stress that occurs in the brain

Green Teas also reduce negative bacteria: m/ijo/journal/v24/n2/full/0801101a.html
Green tea is synergetic with ginkgo biloba and turmeric extract

No Copper Intake

Good Bacteria Generation, especially if the sun's BZ is pointing southwards - ,

Reduce or eliminate salt intake at this time. Salt kills good bacteria. m/search?hl=en&q=salt+kills+ bacteria&aq=0&oq=salt+ kills+bac&aqi=g1
Antibacterial List: m/pdfs/documents/book-Laboratory -Evaluations-in-Molecular-Medicine .pdf
Protection, T-Cell, and Immune System Build-up of the body
While lactoferrin is most certainly impressive on its own, when combined with specific strains of the friendly bacteria, Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium, it can give a big boost to our immune systems.
http://www.selfgrowth .com/articles/Probiotics_-_Good_B ugs_Good_Health.html

Probiotic (such as yogurt and kefir) - these add good bacteria to the system.
Probiotics: Lactobacillus Bulgaricus & Bifidobacteria soaked in MEOW charged water m/em.html
MEOW Water
http://ormuswater.vpinf. com/

Oregano & Related Synergists should be taken the entire 4 days while the solar flux is active.
Oregano Synergists:
Cranberry, Lactic Acid (available from cottage cheese, or from exercising), + Blueberry + Grape Seed Extract
( dry curd cottage cheese as better than regular cottage cheese)
Thyme + Marjoram + Basil
Sage + Coriander
Sage + Oregano
fenugreek + coriander + oregano
a-tocopherol (found in sunflower oil and wheat germ)

Butter also contains anti-microbial properties, so it has fungus-inhibiting effects

The following are most antimicrobial: basil, oregano, rosemary, sage and thyme.

Oregano – Thymol and carvacrol are two of oregano's potent antibacterial properties. A study in Mexico found oregano to be more effective against an amoeba than a common prescription drug called tinidazol. Oregano works in the intestinal tract to kill unfriendly bacteria without damage to the friendly bacteria. It is a effective against candida albicans overgrowth throughout the body, and particularly in the sinus cavities. It has 4 times the antioxidant activity of blueberries.

Other spices that contain yeast/fungus-inhibiting properties such as garlic, onion, cinnamon, ginger, scallion, basil, rosemary, dill, sage, parsley, cardamom, nutmeg, fennel, anise, clove, coriander, leek, chives. Of these Oregano is the best.

Lactobacillus Bulgaricus -
Kombuch Tea

Next Magnesium is taken next:
Minerals: Magnesium, Vitamin B3, Riboflavin (b2) Chromium (available in brewer's yeast), Vitamin C (less amounts), Vitamin D2, Brewers Yeast
Chromium is synergistic with: Magnesium, , zinc, boron, CoQ10, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B6, [calcium, Vit D], insoluble fiber,

Insoluble Fiber helps cleanse out toxins produced during the flare peak and during a higher KP activity
Niacin or Vitamin B3 and B2

Fermented Foods that are Alkaline Should be taken. These are:
Kefir - Alkaline
Kombucha - Alkaline

Recommended are Tempeh & Kefir m/Kefir/article1.htm

Tempeh (193 calories - 111 mg calcium, 81 magnesium, 266 phos - carb to protein 9.39 to 18.5)
Miso (199 calories - 57 mg calcium, 48 magnesium, 159 phos - carb to protein 26 to 11.7)
Artichokes (47 calories - 44 mg calcium, 60 magnesium, 90 phos - carb to protein 10.5 to 3.27)
Pickles (11 calories - 0 mg calcium, 4 magnesium, 14 phos - carb to protein 2.26 to 0.33)
Umeboshi Plums - Alkaline
Green Tea
Green tea is synergetic with ginkgo biloba and turmeric extract

Wheat Germ
White Mushrooms (22 calories - 3 mg calcium, 10 magnesium, 86 phos - carb to protein 3.28 to 3.09) Alkaline
Lentils (353 calories - 56 mg calcium, 122 magnesium, 451 phos - carb to protein 60 to 26) - Acid
High carbs & Higher Magnesium
Pinto Beans (347 calories - 113 mg calcium, 176 magnesium, 451 phos - carb to protein 63 to 21)
Lentils (353 calories - 56 mg calcium, 122 magnesium, 451 phos - carb to protein 60 to 26)

For heavier meals or during this higher KP time, boost the ATP / Cataylse process so the body can process this food quicker and easier, and toxins are more easily removed from the body.

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********************** ENDING PHASE AFTER A SOLAR FLARE

Insoluble fiber should come at the very end, which is not metabolized by beneficial bacteria and microorganisms in the digestive system,

Oxidative Stress Protectors or are taken at the very end:
Xylose. Glyconutrients

Wat er-soluble vitamin E analogue, Trolox
(Sigma Chemical Co., Poole, Dorset, UK),

ROS could be reduced by intracellular antioxidant enzymes including superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase and catalase as well as some antioxidant molecules like glutathione and vitamin E

Glutathione (GSH) can scavenge peroxynitrite & hydroxyl radicals as well as convert hydrogen peroxide to water

Apple Poly® is a pure fruit extract made from baby apple skins- the world's richest natural source of water-soluble apple polyphenols. Apple Poly® has the highest antioxidant rating of any supplement you can buy- tested over 25,000 ORAC units per gram. Nothing else comes close. tact.htm


Synergistic Effect to protect against free radicals:
Vitamin C + Vitamin E + CoEnzyme Q10 pcsums/antioxsum.htm

________________ ___

Days 4-8

When the solar flux is flat, the solar wind speed is favorable (between 275 and 320) and there is a forecast for higher geomagnetic activity, (, if the cosmic rays are higher and there is more solar irridiance, the "white light" rejuvenating energy is maximized. This usually occurs a few days later after a major solar flare. This energy is even more powerful if this geomagnetic storm is one of the first few after the equinox. This white light is key to bodily rejuvenation. During these periods eat Cabbage, Tomatoes, Cayenne Pepper, Salsa, Hot Peppers, Chili Sauce / Mustard, Ice Water, Green Tea (Iced or Hot), Apple Cider Vinegar Drink, Cabbage, Celery, Brussel Sprouts, Grapefruit, Oatmeal and your body will feel extremely energized.

Magnesium and Manganese are key here

After a solar flare, or higher cosmic rays and a higher solar irridiance. Heading lower or flat KP and favorable solar wind speeds of (between 275 and 320).

Prebiotic - is the good bacteria we produce in our bodies via fermentation of Soluble (fermentable) fiber. You can also do this when the sun's BZ is pointing Southwards.

This picture shows where this energy is strongest at these times.

This is the time of re-building our body's tissues and muscles. During this time, the digestion is easiest, and foods that are harder to digest are okay to be taken. Circulation of the body's blood is strongest. Foods high in Ormus such as watercress and similar are to be taken. Less green tea & fermented foods during this phase. This is key, when the cosmic ray and/or solar irridiance counts are higher on these days, especially around the equinoxes, when we maximize our digestion and absorb the maximum number of nutrients into the body during this phase, our bodies are re-generated to the maximum. The body's digestion is operating at maximum and foods are easier to digest. You can take foods that are slightly harder to digest during this period. These foods and methods can also be taken at a north facing bz and lower kp when negative bacteria is much less. Complex Carbohydrates - These must be taken in smaller amounts. Examples are a slice of potato, 2 to 3 tablesppons of oats or Barley., as these take a long time to digest as they are complex carbs. These longer chains of glucose take longer to break down in the body. These complex carbs should be avoided at the peak of a solar flare, and instead the shorter chain carbs, especially those in fruits such as blueberries and pomegranates should be taken.

Less Green Tea and "Fermentation Foods" during this phase.

Maximizing Water Retention (Soluble Fiber retains water). You can also take this after pole balancing on these days.
Fructose Corn Syrup with manganese (increases moisture in the foods).
Another is Albumin.

Another method to assist in holding water in the body is Glycerol. This has been used to artificially create Omega 3's in manufacturing.

Glycerol attracts water like a magnet and thus helps carry water throughout the body with it. Without sufficient water intake, glycerol may actually dehydrate the body, so water and glycerol must be used together.

The amount of glycerol used depends more on bodyweight than anything else. Note, water intake with glycerol is also very important.
For people who weigh less than 125 lbs, 25 ml is recommended with at least 8 oz of water.
For those who weigh 125 to 200, 50 ml with at least 16 oz of water is recommended.
And those over 200 lbs may need up to 75 ml with at least 24 oz of water.
Some experts suggest even more specific amounts with greater amounts of water: about half a milliliter for every pound of bodyweight with 20 times more water than glycerol. For example, a 150-lb person would use 75 ml of glycerol with 1,500 ml of water (that is, a little over 6 cups or 100 oz).
Experts recommend taking glycerol over a period of a few hours during strenuous exercise or a half hour before exercise and again immediately after.
Synergists of Glycerol

Glycerol Supplement Source

The highest antimicrobial activity was found with the glycerol

As a sugar substitute, it has approximately 27 calories per teaspoon and is 60 percent as sweet as sucrose. Although it has about the same food energy as table sugar, it does not raise blood sugar levels, nor does it feed the bacteria that form plaques and cause dental cavities.

Like ethylene glycol and propylene glycol, glycerol dissolved in water disrupts the hydrogen bonding between water molecules such that the mixture cannot form a stable crystal structure unless the temperature is significantly lowered. The minimum freezing point temperature is at about -36 °F / -37.8 °C corresponding to 60-70 % glycerol in water, as shown in the table below. Thus, glycerol has anti-freeze properties.

When administered orally, glycerol has a hydrating/dehydrating effect. This is based on the fact that glycerol has an ability to hold onto water, glycerol can actually absorb so much moisture that mold growths can develop unless an antiseptic is added along with the softening agent! Glycerol's water binding ability helps keep bars soft and also may be of benefit to endurance athletes and bodybuilders alike.

After the body has been filled with water and the intestinal fermentation is complete, remove with Dampness relieving foods like Job's Tears (yi yi ren), Euryale (Fox nut) seed (qian shi), Aduki beans (chi xiao dou), Ginkgo nut (bai guo), rye, celery, lettuce, alfalfa, turnips, raw honey and corn.
Foods with yeast/fungus-inhibiting properties known to relieve damp and damp-heat include: onion, cinnamon, ginger, scallion, basil, rosemary, dill, oregano, sage, parsley, cardamom, nutmeg, fennel, anise, clove, coriander, leek, chives, Job's tears (yi yi ren)5, euryale seed (qian shi)6, aduki beans (chi xiao dou)7, ginkgo nut (bai guo)8, rye, celery, lettuce, alfalfa, turnips, raw honey and corn.


Taurine is the second most abundant amino acid that expands cells by helping the muscle to hold more water

Oats - Oats contain antioxidants such as IP-6, vitamin E, and zinc. Oats are a good source of vitamin B6, which boosts the brain's levels of serotonin, the feel-good neurotransmitter
Enzyme Helpers:
Amylase: breaks down starches. AMYLASE - Enzyme Source: Source:Malt and Barley, Cabbage, Wheat, Rice,
Maltase: breaks down grains. MALTASE - Enzyme Source: Banana, Mushroom,

Drink more water at this stage after ingesting the oats
Bring the body's PH to 7.5 ph is 7.5 pH
Ideal alkaline body level and is also the rate that the Lactobacillus acidophilus bacteria grow best and fastest

A faster metabolism creates good bacteria

Complex carbohydrates (Oats). This should be taken in moderation between 1 to 3 tablespoons, as the complex carbohydrates can take up to 12 hours to digest. It is best to do this process just after the equinoxes/solstices, as the rejuvenation energies are stronger. The less load we put on our digestive system the better. Complex carbs (carbohydrate) foods are basically those in wholegrain form such as wholegrain breads, oats, muesli and brown rice.
Cellulase: breaks down fibers. Enzyme Source: Shiitake Mushrooms
Biotin or Vitamin B7 should also be taken to help carbohydrate metabolism

Foods are
Oats and Barley (Whole grain or Dry-milled Barley)
Of these Oats are the best. (Oat bran, Whole Oats Oatrim or Rolled Oats)
Oats Synergist. Vitamin C.

The above should be taken with Chicory, Garlic, or leek to encourage fermentation. Of all these Chicory is highest in inulin.

Fruits that cause good intestinal fermentation are:
Blackberries and Raspberries
Jerusalem artichokes
Psyllium Seed Husk

Others are: Wheat germ, ground flaxseed, brown rice, barley, whole wheat, buckwheat, rye, millet, bulgur wheat, amaranth, quinoa, kamut, yellow corn, wild rice, spelt, couscous

Not only did the avenanthramides increase the amount of time before LDL became oxidized, but when vitamin C was added, the oat phenols interacted synergistically with the vitamin, extending the time during which LDL was protected from 137 to 216 minutes.
http://www.whfoo spice&dbid=54

Carbohydrates of oat bran (rich in -glucan) were consumed at a higher rate than those of rye and wheat brans (rich in arabinoxylan). In all brans, glucose was consumed faster than the other main sugars, arabinose and xylose, and arabinose was degraded only slightly. The total production of short-chain fatty acids was slightly higher with oat bran than with rye and wheat brans and inulin. In the fermentation of inulin, relatively more butyric acid and less propionic acid were produced than in the fermentation of brans. The decrease in pH was also greater in the case of inulin.
Ref: ournal/72506963/abstract?CRETR Y=1&SRETRY=0

Nitrate and Phosphorous -
Foods highest in phosphorus include asparagus, brewers yeast, dairy products, eggs, fish, dried fruit, meats, garlic, legumes, nuts and seeds, and whole grains. Eggs are especially high in Nitrogen. eriodic/LifeElement.php
Other foods highest in phosphorous are:
Apple Cider, Cheese, Coffee, Watercress, Rice Bran, Mushrooms, Wheat Bran, White Mushrooms, ml
For Vegetables high in Phosphorous they are:
Parsley, Chives,

Nitrogen metabolism
Moly bdenum is essential, but is only required in extremely small amounts. It aids in nitrogen metabolism, the conversion of purines to uric acid, and normal cell function.
Molybdenum can be found in barley, cereal oats, wheat germ, sunflower seeds


Calcium is taken at this time.

Enzyme Helpers:
Lactase: breaks down dairy products. LACTASE - Enzyme Source: Source Yogurt, Kefir
PHYTASE - Helps with digestion in general, and is especially effective in producing vital nutrients of the B-Complex. Enzyme Source: Source Barley

Foods high in Ammonia help assist more in the fermentation process.
Which are aged cheeses -

Foods high in Ethanol can also help boost and accelerate the fermentation/good bacteria process:
Foods high in Ethanol: ents/ehc/ehc/ehc196.htm#SubSecti onNumber:5.1.3
http://answers 081112172421AAPmTU4

Ethylene also helps:
Foods with high Ethylene: Fruit Cake, Bananas, Roasted Sesame Seeds, Burdock + Also Known as Cocklebur, Gobo root, Clot bur, Burr Seed
Arctium lappa, - Great Burdock Arctium Minus - Lesser Burdock


First load the body with small amounts of Phosphorous, Nitrates & Foods high in Ammonia with nutrients/minerals and Hard Water as shown earlier on this page..
Phosphorous Synergist: Germanium & Nickel

The below sugars are best absorbed when the PH of the digestive tract is alkaline. So a more Alkaline body PH at this time.

Complex carbohydrate foods are Spinach, Whole Barley
Complex Carb Synergist: Grapefruit

Glyconutrients Foods List:

Arabinogalactan - Coconut, Corn

Mannose - Xylose, Glucose - Aloe Vera

Galactose - Leeks, Onions, Avocado, Cabbage

Fucose - Spirulina, Kelp, Brewers Yeast

N-acetylneuraminic acid or sialic acid - Whey protein isolate, eggs.

N-acetylglucosamine - Shiitake Mushroom

N-acetyl-galactosami ne - Bovine cartilage, Shark cartilage,

Enzyme Helper:
DESTROSE SUGAR INGESTION & WITH Foods that contain the Glyconutrient Sugars
Sucrose: breaks down sugars. SUCRASE - Enzyme Source: Source Banana,

Amylase helps the body break down the starch into the sugar than can be used by the body ( breaking down the long-chain carbohydrates)
Amylase is commonly found in pineapples, bananas, raisins, and squash
Chlorogenic acid slows the release of glucose into the bloodstream after a meal. (works best in an alkaline environment)

Pyruvate is key to the body's fermentation process and longevity - Red Apples,

As shown below, good bacteria always uses these main minerals to live on, thrive/manifest.

Manganese Pineapple, Ginger and Cloves,

Sulphur and Nitrogen, Eggs

Phosphorous, Apple Cider, Portabella Mushrooms 1000mg ,

Potassium, Watercress, Raw Potato 1000mg, Maitake Mushroom 1000 mg, Ginger 1000mg, Shittake 1000mg

Magnesium - Raw Spinach 700 mg,

Iron - Thyme 70mg, Parsley 70mg, Salt

Zinc - Wheat Germ

Thiamine B1 - Sunflower Seeds

Biotin - Swiss chard, boiled

If more energy is needed perform the CATAYLSE/SOD/ATP PRODUCTION shown earlier at the top of this page.

Omega 3 Production:

Canola Oil & or UDO's choice perfect EFA Ratio Oils Blend Oil. This will help speed up and "synergize" the fermentation of good bacteria, as well as Omega 3's.

The healthy human cell membrane is made up of: the three long chain fatty acids, Omega-3, Omega-6, Omega-9 then Cholesterol and Arachadonic Acid. We need 10- Omega-3’s to 1- Omega-6 for example, to continue to make healthy cells in our body. The body does not make these long chain fatty acids (called essential fatty acids). When we reduce our intake of one, like the Omega-3’s for example, your body must scramble to make something in its place. The body makes a short chain trans fatty acid to take the place of this missing long chain fatty acid. That short chain fatty acid is actually HDL & LDL cholesterol. The medical pharmaceutical industry would have you believe that this is Good & Bad cholesterol, when in fact, it is BAD & WORSE. You should only have pristine cholesterol in your system not HDL & LDL. In order for us to rejuvenate our body we must make a continuous effort to consume Omega-3’s with EPA and DHA daily.

When soluble fiber is fermented, short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) are produced

Increasing Short Chain Fatty Acid Production:
Larch arabinogalactan is an excellent source of dietary fiber that is able to increase short-chain fatty acid production (primarily butyrate) via its vigorous fermentation by intestinal bacteria.

Lactobacillus acidophilus produces lipases that convert fats into absorbable short-chain fatty acids

Canola oil is second only to flaxseed oil as the highest vegetable source of the essential omega-3 fatty acids.

Fermentation process for producing long chain omega-3 fatty acids with euryhaline microorganisms

Creating your own fermented foods:

We report the development of a clean and sustainable source of omega-3 fatty acids by fermentation, using a metabolically engineered strain of the oleaginous yeast Yarrowia lipolytica

It was also found that the addition of vegetable oil to the medium enhances the growth and omega-3 production of the organism.

Probiotic Fermentation to produce Omega 3's
Another fermentation process for producing omega 3 fish oil utilizes lactobacillus cultures. Lactobacillus is a bacterium that ferments milk products. The bacterium is genetically modified to produce omega 3 oils. The altered bacterium produces omega 3-enriched yoghurt and other fermented dairy products. It is also possible to control the types and ratios of the omega 3 oils in the products with this technology.

More Calcium
Adding Calcium 4 hours after brewers yeast increases the DNA restructuring. The content of ribonucleic acid was highest in the lot where NaCl was added 4 hours after the start of treatment and it was increased by about 40% compared to the case where NaCl was added at the time of start (Example 1). Accordingly, it has become apparent that the content of ribonucleic acid can be enhanced more by establishing the timing of NaCl addition as appropriate.
http://www.freepatentsonline.c om/7135327.html

Cinnamon helps your body metabolize sugars more effectively and maintain steadier blood sugar levels.
Alpha lipoic acid converts glucose (blood sugar) into energy The dose that was best tolerated while still providing benefit was 600 mg once daily.

Calcium Synergists:
Copper, Boron, Strontium, Sodium, Vitamin B5, Vitamin K, [Magnesium, Vit D], Silicon, Manganese

Boron Rich Foods:
Raisins, Hazel Nuts, Almonds, Apricots, Avocado, n/boron-sources.html

Vitamin K rich Foods:
Oregano, Brussel sprouts, Parsley, Swiss Chard (raw), Watercress, Kale, Spinach, Beets, Collards, ml

Enzyme Helpers:
Lactase: breaks down dairy products. LACTASE - Enzyme Source: Source Yogurt, Kefir

Biotin or Vitamin B7 should also be taken to help carbohydrate metabolism


Omega 6 Oils (Borage Oil), Sesame Seeds, Sunflower (Omega 6 Oils will help hold in this new good bacteria in the body)
Borage oil should be taken with Omega6 oils (Safflower Oils) for proper PGE1 production 7.html

The Amino Acids Methionine, Cysteine along with these minerals Sodium, Calcium, Magnesium, Boron
Magnesium Synergists (amplifiers): Chromium, zinc, boron, CoQ10, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B6, [calcium, Vit D], insoluble fiber,


Rebuilding The Body

What are cosmic rays?
Most (about 90%) of the "cosmic rays" are actually high energy protons. They could be thought of as hydrogen nuclei (H+). Another 9% are alpha particles, or helium nuclei (He++). That last 1% is composed of high energy electrons (e-). A lot of this material originates from the sun, but there are other sources.

It is this increased hydrogen ray count that binds with the sulphur amino acids and rebuilds our muscle and tissues.

Minerals to take during this phase: zinc, nickel, copper,manganese. These are ferromagnetic foods, that help the body pick up this "good resonance" that is occurring during this period. This is the period to remove wrinkles from your body. Magnetized water - Increases Hydrogen ion activity and decreases free nitrogen.
More Copper from: Table Salt, Spirulina, Crimini Mushrooms, Basil
Other minerals to take during this phase are Aluminum, Silicon, Manganese and aluminum should be taken together in a ratio of 2:1

The sulphur amino acids Methionine and Cysteine bind strongest with Sodium, Calcium, Boron and Magnesium during this phase.
Foods highest in Methionine and Cysteine
Whey protein, Yellow Mustard and Poppy Seed
Ref: 002990600100000000000.html?m axCount=3

To increase muscle and tissue Building (Sulphur amino acids first):
N-acetyl cysteine, than Methionine, than Acetyl L Carnitine (composed of acetic acid, an electron donator) than Alpha lipoic acid.
Next For Rebuilding Magnesium, Sodium, Calcium and Boron.

The function of L-carnitine is to remove short-chain and medium-chain fatty acids from the mitochondria in order to maintain coenzyme A levels in these organelles. These fatty acids accumulate as a result of normal and abnormal metabolism. This mechanism prevents the build-up in the mitochondria of short-chain and medium-chain fatty acids that may interfere with the bioenergy-producing process vital to the normal function of the cell.

Alpha lipoic acid and acetyl L-carnitine: could alpha lipoic acid and acetyl L-carnitine combine to form the Elixir of Life? When ALA is combined with L-carnitine the effect is powerfully synergistic. The initial excitement about ALC/alpha lipoic acid (ALA) supplementation began when a team of researchers in California fed elderly rats both nutrients for a period of seven weeks and then compared them with young rats. They were testing the theory that mitochondrial decline is caused by free radical damage. There was already evidence that supplementation with acetyl L-carnitine (ALC) could reverse the age-related decline in mitochondrial activity in rats, increase fatty acid oxidation and boost general metabolic activity. However the down side to this increased mitochondrial function was that more oxidative damage occurred, so the researchers decided to add the powerful mitochondrial antioxidant alpha lipoic acid (ALA) to the mix to see if they could get the best of both worlds: increased mitochondrial energy output, with reduced mitochondrial damage.

Edible Clays Bentonite Clay, French Green Clay & Montmorillonite Clays absorb toxins from the body & create stabilization

High electron absorbing foods Manganese: Synergists, Sodium, lithium, silicon / silica, cobalt, PABA, niacin / niacinamide, Vitamin E, biotin, choline, sugar,* alcohol,*
Perhaps the two highest solar electron-rich foods and foods which have the capacity to absorb solar electrons are spirulina and flaxseed in various forms, including flaxseed oil. light.html

Foods highest in Manganese:
Pineapple, Pecans
http://lpi.oregonstate.e du/infocenter/minerals/manganese/

Get at least 30 mins of the sun, or UV Lamp Exposure (tanning salon). Take Perfect EFA Oil Combinations before sun:
Udo's Choice Oil Blend
Hemp Oil

2nd Choice: Canola Oil

After returning from the sun, the body should than be made slightly more alkaline, so as to increase the EFA oils into the body
Enzyme Lipase: breaks down fats. LIPASE - Enzyme Source: Source Ginger
Fat Metabolism must be increased via L-Carntine

Maximum Plant Protein:
The Klamath variety seems to have higher than average levels of protein than most algae's
Klamath Lake is one of the world's richest sources of the AFA strain of wild blue-green algae, the strain scientifically referred to as Aphanizemenon flos aqua (AFA). m/products/aura/NAGO10001.asp< BR>The digestion of proteins, requires an acid PH and the digestion of carbs requires and alkaline PH.
Foods such as carrots, lettuce, tomatoes, cabbage, which contain no sugar and no starch should be taken.
OROTATE: Minerals bound to Orotic Acid (B13). These penetrate the entire cellular membrane and delivers the active mineral

Plant Protein Compatible Foods:
Celery (16 calories - 40 mg calcium, 11 magnesium, 24 phos - carb to protein 2.97 to 0.69) - Alkaline - - PROTEIN COMPATIBLE
Leeks (61 calories - 40 mg calcium, 11 magnesium, 24 phos - carb to protein 2.97 to 0.69) - Slight Alkaline - PROTEIN COMPATIBLE
Okra (16 calories - 40 mg calcium, 11 magnesium, 24 phos - carb to protein 2.97 to 0.69) - Slight Alkaline - PROTEIN COMPATIBLE
Tomatoes (18 calories - 11 mg calcium, 11 magnesium, 24 phos - carb to protein 3.92 to 0.88) - Alkaline - PROTEIN COMPATIBLE
Romaine Lettuce (17 calories - calcium 33, magnesium 14, phos 30 - carb to protein 3.29 to 1.23 ) - Alkaline - PROTEIN COMPATIBLE
Asparagus (20 calories - 24 mg calcium, 14 magnesium, 52 phos - carb to protein 3.88 to 2.2) - Alkaline Forming - PROTEIN COMPATIBLE
Cabbage - used in fermented foods (25 calories - 40 mg calcium, 12 magnesium, 26 phos - carb to protein 5.8 to 1.28) - Alkaline - PROTEIN COMPATIBLE

Broccoli, Brussels sprout, Cabbage, Carrot, Cauliflower, Garlic, Kale, Onion, Tomato, Turnip, Papaya, Pineapple
"These phytochemicals not only protect the plant itself from solar radiation or insect invasion, but consumption of these chemicals by humans has shown to keep cells in the body healthy and stable in many ways"

Of all these, these are the ones that are protein combinable: Asparagus, Beans Sprouts, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Celery, Cucumbers, Egg Plant, Endive Leaves, Greens Dandelion, Greens Turnip, Leeks, Kohlrabi, Lettuce, Mushrooms, Okra, Pumpkin, Radishes, Spinach, Tomatoes, Watercress, Olives, ARUGULA
carries nutrients quickly and easily into the cells- watermelon, - protein combinable - Only take the ones that are alkaline, to mild acid forming for easy digestion

Foods such as carrots, lettuce, tomatoes, cabbage, which contain no sugar and no starch absorb the incoming solar electrons easily. andler7.html.

Manganese is to be taken with protein
Manganese is key here:
Foods highest in Manganese:
Pineapple, Raspberries, Oats, Brown rice cooked, Pumpkin Seeds
Foods Highest in Manganese:
Hazel Nuts (highest in Manganese) (628 calories - 114 mg calcium, 163 magnesium, 290 phos - carb to protein 16.7 to 15 - Mang 6.18
Manganese: Synergists, Sodium, lithium, silicon / silica, cobalt, PABA, niacin / niacinamide, Vitamin E, biotin, choline, sugar,* alcohol,*

Pine Nuts (2nd highest in Manganese) (673 calories - 16 mg calcium, 251 magnesium, 575 phos - carb to protein 13.1 to 13.7 - Mang 8.8)

Crude Wheat Germ: (11 calories - 120 mg calcium, 21 magnesium, 60 phos - carb to protein 1.29 to 2.3)

Pecans (691 calories - 70 mg calcium, 121 magnesium, 277 phos - carb to protein 1.29 to 2.3 - mang 4.5

Walnuts (654 calories - 98 mg calcium, 158 magnesium, 346 phos - carb to protein 13.7 to 15.2- mang 3.41)

Pumpkin Seeds (446 calories - 55 mg calcium, 262 magnesium, 92 phos - carb to protein 54 to 18.6- mang 0.496)

PISTACHIO NUTS (557 calories - 107 mg calcium, 121 magnesium, 490 phos - carb to protein 28 to 21 - mang 1.2

Enzyme Helpers
Protease: breaks down proteins. PROTEASE - Enzyme Source: Source Ginger, Wheat,

The eight essential amino acids:
2 Major Groupings:
Methionine, Lysine, Tryptophan, Threonine, + ratio 2:2:1:1 - days 4-8 - THESE INCREASE THE ABSORPTION OF PROTEINS
L-Leucine, L-Isoleucine and L-Valine - 2:1:1 ratio -days 4-8
Take the above with vitamin B6 for maximum absorption

Foods highest in Threonine :
Raisins, Raw Oat Bran, Raw Beets,
Ref: 000990100200000000000-2.html?

Foods with highest ratio of Methionine+Cystine:Tryptophan:Mustard and Poppyseed
Ref: 002990600100000000000.html?m axCount=3

Foods with highest ratio of Threonine:Tryptophan
Dried Shiitake Mushrooms, Cooked Shiitake Mushrooms, Spirulina, Peaches,
Ref: 000990200100000000000.html

Foods highest in Valine:
Egg White, Spirulina
Ref: 000088000000000000000.html

Foods highest in Isoleucine
Egg White, Spirulina
Ref: 000081000000000000000.html

Foods highest in Leucine
Egg White
Ref: 000082000000000000000.html

------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ---------------------

Other "rejuvenation herbs"

Drynaria,Cuscuta Seed, Astragalus are neuron stimulating herbs and are used extensively in bone rebuilding`
http://www.academ 8Feb/Yang%20et%20al.pdf
ht tp:// singleherbs.pdf

Resveratrol available from grape seeds & the Chinese herb Huzhang
Mulberries, Itadori tea & Red grape juice & Peanut butter contain the maximum number of Resveratrols.
Astragalus Root (Synergists: Angelica (DANG GUI ROOT), Ancient Chinese Herb Cordyceps

Fish Oil (Cod Liver Oil Preferred) Synergist: Coconut oil

Foods high in Ormus
Frozen Grape juice frozen concentrate can yield 127 mg of rhodium and 48 mg of iridium
Flax Oil
Wheat grass Juice (59 calories - 6.86 mg calcium, 6.80 magnesium, 21 phos - carb to protein 5.67 to 5.52)
Other Foods High in ORMUS
Water-cress: Rorippa, species: high levels of Rhodium and Iridium
Water-cress (11 calories - 120 mg calcium, 21 magnesium, 60 phos - carb to protein 1.29 to 2.3)
Other foods high in Rhodium and Iridium ( _Systems.html) are:
Flax oil, carrots, aloe leaf, grape seeds, slippery elm, watercress, acemannan, St. John's wort, blood root, Essiac tea, shark cartilage, bilberry juice, and sheep sorrel. Watercress contains the highest amount, as well as organic iodine

Singing an 'F' note to your own blood cells, will help them produce a balanced, round shape. You can also record the F note and than listen to it on play back and visualize it entering into your cells.
http://www.pos cleid=231

The next morning OR WHEN THE KP/SOLAR FLUX is lower or "flat" these foods highest in Phytochemicals should be taken: Broccoli, Brussels sprout, Cabbage, Carrot, Cauliflower, Garlic, Kale, Onion, Tomato, Turnip, Papaya, Pineapple

Sources of polyphenols
Berries, Tea, Beer, grapes/wine, olive oil, coffee, walnuts, peanuts, borojo, pomegranates, yerba mate ki/Polyphenol

Polyphenols synergists: Chlorogenic acid + Tocopherol
Ref: science?_ob=ArticleURL&_ud i=B6T6R-4P5NX89-1&_user= 10&_rdoc=1&_fmt=&am p;_orig=search&_sort=d& ;_docanchor=&view=c&_ searchStrId=10687 82747&_rerunOrigin=google& amp;_acct=C000050221&_ve rsion=1&_urlVersion=0& _userid=10&md5=53d1feac7 80de1d57c8254e9b4762a29

The same ingredients that stabilize lard such as Quercetin, Rutin, Kaempferol, Luteolin, Fustin, Catechin, Lecithin, etc., are some of the most powerful antioxidants known, and are taken at the end. Synergists are copper, mag and zinc.

Glycine is one of the non-essential amino acids and is used to help create muscle tissue and convert glucose into energy. It is also essential to maintaining healthy central nervous and digestive systems, and has recently been shown to provide protection via antioxidants from some types of cancer. Glycine is used in the body to help construct normal DNA and RNA strands—the genetic material needed for proper cellular function and formation
http://www.vitaminst highest in Glycine: Spirulina, ml

Yet it has only been recently that the incredible anti-ageing properties of this amino acid have come to light - helping to protect your body from a range of age-related illnesses, from arthritis and heart disease to diabetes and Alzheimer's. It has even been found to prevent wrinkles by rejuvenating connective skin tissues! Other nutrients which can enhance the health-giving benefits of carnosine further still, are co-enzyme Q10, vitamin C and alpha Lipoic acid.
http://www.thehealthierlif on/carnosine-prevent-age-related-d iseases-00346.html

The approx ratio of vit c to vit e is between 3 and 4:1

________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ _____________

Enzyme Heading:

Amylase: breaks down starches. AMYLASE - Enzyme Source: Source:Malt and Barley, Cabbage, Wheat, Rice,

Maltase: breaks down grains. MALTASE - Enzyme Source: Banana, Mushroom, Complex carbohydrates (Oats)

Cellulase: breaks down fibers. Enzyme Source: Shiitake Mushrooms

Protease: breaks down proteins. PROTEASE - Enzyme Source: Source Ginger, Wheat,

Sucrose: breaks down sugars. SUCRASE - Enzyme Source: Source Banana,

Amylase :Malt and Barley, Cabbage, Wheat, Rice,

Lipase: breaks down fats. LIPASE - Enzyme Source: Source Ginger

The 8 major enzymes:

The digestive enzyme PROTEASE
Responsible for digesting proteins in your food, which is probably one of the most difficult substances to metabolize

The digestive enzyme AMYLASE
The second most important enzyme that we have, amylase is responsible for digesting carbohydrates in food

The digestive enzyme LIPASE
Responsible for digesting fats in food. When taken in higher quantities it will also find its way into the blood stream and help to remove excess fatty deposits from the inside of your veins and arteries.

The digestive enzyme CELLULASE
Responsible for breaking down fiber. It is also an excellent antioxidant because it binds to heavy metals and other toxins and carries them out of your body.

The digestive enzyme MALTASE
Responsible for taking the complex sugar found in malt and grain products and changing it into

The digestive enzyme LACTASE
Responsible for digesting the milk sugar found in dairy products.

The digestive enzyme PHYTASE
Helps with digestion in general, and is especially effective in producing vital nutrients of the B-Complex.

The digestive enzyme SUCRASE
Responsible for digesting the sugars that are found in most foods.

Lactase: breaks down dairy products. LACTASE - Enzyme Source: Source Yogurt

PHYTASE - Helps with digestion in general, and is especially effective in producing vital nutrients of the B-Complex. Enzyme Source: Source Barley

Do not combine fruits and nuts as the good enzymes in the fruits are "blocked".

ENZYME INHIBITORS - these can be removed via soaking the seeds

Raw seeds or raw nuts, contain enzyme inhibitors which will neutralize some of the enzymes your body produces. In fact, eating foods with enzyme inhibitors causes a swelling of the pancreas. All nuts and seeds contain these inhibitors. Raw peanuts, for example, contain an especially large amount. Raw wheat germ is also one of the worst offenders. In addition, all peas, beans and lentils contain some. Potatoes also have enzyme inhibitors (concentrated in the eyes of the potato). In eggs the inhibitor is contained mainly in the egg white. There are two ways to destroy enzyme inhibitors. The first is cooking; however, this also destroys the enzymes. The second way, which is preferable, is soaking, rinsing and germinating or sprouting. This destroys the enzyme inhibitors and also increases the enzyme content from a factor of 3 to 6. Taking extra enzymes is the third way to neutralize the enzyme inhibitors in un germinated or un sprouted seeds and nuts.

Fermentation also removes the enzyme inhibitors and it has other benefits too. Fermentation neutralizes unhealthy chemicals found in grains and beans. Second, it adds a host of beneficial micro-organisms to food, making them more digestible and increasing the healthy flora in our intestinal tracts. Grains and beans all contain an acid, myoinositol-hexa, or phytic acid. Phytic acid blocks the absorption of calcium, phosphorus, iron and zinc. A diet high in unfermented whole grains can lead to mineral deficiencies and bone loss. Fermenting grains and beans before eating them neutralizes phytic acid. It also neutralizes enzyme inhibitors and breaks down gluten, sugars, and other difficult to digest elements in grains and beans. The simplest way to lacto-ferment grains and beans is by adding whey and water, and letting them stand for at least seven hours. Beans should ideally stand for twelve hours or more. Yogurt can be added instead of whey, which is a by-product of cheese-making and is commercially available as a powder (sold in health food stores).

whey protein concentrate can build up to cause unnecessary toxins in the body
Fiber will remove these toxins.
http://integratedsupplements.t ts_bl/2008/10/index.html
http:// /high-fiber-food-chart.html

Salt is an indirect enzyme inhibitor, so use it sparingly.

Another source of enzymes is brewer's yeast which stimulates enzyme activity in the intestines
_______________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ________

Flat KP periods

Foods highest in Vitamin C and Iron
Spinach, Parsley, Beets, Raw Asparagus,
http://www.nutritio 00000000.html

Fruits are:
Apricot, Dates, Prunes, avocados, currants, Figs

The Best Are:
Prunes, Parsley, Apricots, Spinach, Asparagus,
______________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ __

Immune system boosters:

Fish Oil Type:
In contrast, if the oil is esterified during the concentration and purification processes the resulting substance can easily enter the body's cell membranes. The esterified molecule has no charge and only requires one enterase enzyme to release the fatty acid. (DHA). This enables the body to use it as an immediate energy source, or store it for later use

Vitamin D. Especially in Cod Liver Oil and by taking white button mushrooms and spending 20 mins in direct sunlight.

When the body is too alkaline for too long it comprises your immune system. It makes it especially vulnerable to bad bacteria, especially so if the sun's BZ is facing south and there is higher geomagnetic activity. m/i-1055189-raising-your-bodys-ph -level.aspx

When the suns BZ is south facing and the KP has been flat for a long period of time, strengthen the immune system.

Tea and Grapefruit (increase healing and antibodies in bloodstream)

Astragalus, Echinacea, Zinc, Elderberry,
http://www.immune-boosters. com/herbal-remedies/immune-boo sters/natural-immune-boosters


Bifidobacterium lactis
Ref: html

Rapamycin is only useful after 60 years old and it also suppresses the immune system which means short periods only when taken
Freshly frozen fruit juices contain the maximum number of nutrients

Tumeric - Use Sparingly. Overuse will stress the immune system. Good to take a peak flare periods. (temporary)
________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ____________

Brain herbs
Ginseng, Ginko, Rhodiola rosea and banana (phosphorous)

________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ __________________


Secrets of Longevity: Hundreds of Ways to Live to Be 100 ooks?id=01GzLB2ta3oC&pg =PA134&lpg=PA134&d q=peppermint+%2B+longevity&am p;source=bl&ots=XqcX71C5n u&sig=ZBV0fS7q5o1Tw2zGC 0-Ze5xRK hY&hl=en&ei=DZj1StPR OpOmsgPourjwCQ&sa=X&a mp;oi=book_result&ct=result& amp;resnum=3&ved=0CAwQ 6AEwAg#v=onepage&q=pep permint%20%20%20longevity&am p;f=false

If you are using the UV lamp:

The Detox Nanometer wavelength is between 254 & 258 & 265 nm (UV-C ) during the Detoxifying Period (up to 6 days before flare).
A Boron Sulphur Lamp (254 & 258 nm) these are usually used in Air Purifiers.

It is than risen to 290 to 315 nm (UV-B) nanometers on days 4 through 8. otherapyphosphor-tests.htm
ht tp:// Yield%20Index.html

The Magnetic Reconnection.

The "white light" energy that you feel is the magnetic reconnection occurring when you hold this energy in and facing south concentrating your thoughts between your chest and feet. This energy is more prevalent at the first KP spike or "Geomagnetic Storm" that occurs between 2 and 4 days after the solar flare. This magnetic reconnection is also related to time travel. It also occurs in flowing water during the first geomagnetic storm after a solar flare. It is no coincidence that the picture of the magnetic reconnection is similar to the "flux capacitor"shown in the movie "Back to the Future". When doing the pole balancing, you will sometimes receive memories from the past when facing north and when facing south and "holding the energy in", sometimes the white light energy will vary, or show images of the future for the day ahead, and you can increase this white light energy to help your day go better and smoother. YOU WILL FEEL IT HARDER TO CONCENTRATE YOUR THOUGHTS FROM CHEST TO FEET DURING THE 1ST DAY AFTER A SOLAR FLARE, THIS IS BECAUSE THE MAGNETIC RECONNECTION "TENSIONING" IS OCCURING, WHICH "SNAPS BACK" AT THE FIRST GEOMAGNETIC STORM (usually 3 to 4 days after a solar flare) AND YOU WILL FEEL THIS "MAGNETIC RECONNECTION IN YOUR ENTIRE BODY ON THIS DAY.

This book clearly outlines how to use the Magnetic Reconnection to create a "time mirror" to see through time: oc/3936178/TESLA-HOLY-GRAIL- ASCENSION-The-Problem-Of-Incr easing-Human-Energy-Boris-Petro vic

This magnetic reconnection reaches a peak 4 days later after the BZ opens up to let the energies from the sun in, which is shown as BZ south. When Bz is south, that is, opposite Earth's magnetic field, the two fields link up," explains Christopher Russell, a Professor of Geophysics and Space Physics at UCLA. "You can then follow a field line from Earth directly into the solar wind" -- or from the solar wind to Earth. South-pointing Bz's open a door through which energy from the solar wind can reach Earth's atmosphere! Southward Bz's often herald widespread auroras, triggered by solar wind gusts or coronal mass ejections that are able to inject energy into our planet's magnetosphere.
http://www.sp< /P>

this is whey good bacteria 1-4 builds up after the flare aa bz is usually northwards

Another very interesting effect is, at the very end of the pole balancing exercise is to move the slab of granite to where your groin was when you were facing south and stand directly east over this location, and hold out your arms. You will feel a "rush" of energy when you do this.

"The proanthocyanidids in Pine Bark have been shown in clinical studies to be 20 times more effective than Vitamin C and 50 times more effective than Vitamin E as an antioxidant"
http://www.nuvet.c om/ingredients.asp

________________ ________________

******************* Ormus Making Phase:

ORMUS and M-state Definitions m

ORMUS elements charged in the magnetic blender: (even more powerful when the 2mev electrons are higher)
http://www.quantumbalancing. com/magnetic_blender.htm

Lab Notes on ORMUS:

John Savege of now defunct Tamahi Minerals took me into his lab once to show me the manufacturing process they were using. He began with water pumped from an aquifer found above a volcano known to be recently active. He then concentrated all the minerals dissolved in the water into a slurry. Once purified, this concentrate Can be safely ingested, or used to fertilize plants. John showed me how he could extract small gold beads from the white chalky liquid. He called these beads “goldberries”.
http://life-enthusi mahi-minerals/

Make Ormus when the 2mev ions are higher days 4-8 after flare and around a full moon. (this is another period the 2mev's are higher)

Method #1 -to-make-ormus-water

Method #2
http://www.subtleenergies.c om/ORMUS/ormus/ormus3.htm#M ETHOD%201

Synergistic Foods:

Sauerkraut & Cottage Cheese
( dry curd cottage cheese as better than regular cottage cheese)
Broccoli + Tomatoes
Fish + Olive Oil
Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide + Green Tea + Cod Liver Oil
Keifer and Raw Shredded Cabbage

Go go Synergistic Models

General Overall Antioxidant Protection:
Coenzyme Q10, Riboflavin and Niacin (CoRN) are well-known potent antioxidants and protective agents against many diseases including cancer

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