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Cycle Interpretation


The Start of the Process

0-3 = Zero to 3 days before flare

Flare Cycle is the Flare Period

1-4 = One to 4 days after flare

4-8 = Four to 8 days after flare

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Days 4-8

Live Forever

The sulpher amino acids Methionine and Cysteine bind strongest with Sodium, Calcium, Boron and Magnesium during this phase.

Other minerals to take during this phase are Aluminum, Silicon,
High electron absorbing foods Manganese: Synergists, Sodium, lithium, silicon / silica, cobalt, PABA, niacin / niacinamide, Vitamin E, biotin, choline, sugar,* alcohol,*

Minerals to take during this phase: zinc, nickel, copper,manganese. These are ferromagnetic foods, that help the body pick up this "good resonance" that is occurring during this period

Singing an 'F' note to your own blood cells, will help them produce a balanced, round shape. You can also record the F note and than listen to it on play back and visualize it entering into your cells.


On these days there is more good water moisture in the air. The molecular weight of wet air is definitely less than dry air.

Holding water in the body. Due to the "fusion" process taking effect at this time we want more water in our bodies on these days. More proteins also help the body absorb and hold more water in the body. One way to do this is to use Albumin.

"Holding protein inside your body, instead of letting it pass through, is important for good health. The most common protein is called albumin and it should stay in your bloodstream. Albumin holds water in the bloodstream as it circulates around your body."

"The main job of albumin is to hold water in the blood"

Water is bound to blood by blood-albumin. Albumin levels can degrade when an athlete becomes overtrained or if he or she does not get enough protein. If you don't have proper amounts of albumin to hold water in the blood, no amount of water will keep you hydrated. This is because the water won't stay in your blood. It moves out to tissues and to kidneys where it is excreted. So what can you take to improve blood volume?

Secret Weapon #3 - Blood Volumizers
Certain types of whey protein have been shown to mimic albumin and improve blood volume. There is a starch present in certain types of maize called heta-starch. Although most of it gets degraded during digestion, a small amount (< 1%) does get into blood relatively intact. Heta-starch is a powerful volumizers and it's effects last a long time.

Holding too much water in the body can lead to serious problems. Decreased ability of the blood vessels to retain fluid because of poor protein albumin synthesis; Protein albumin helps to hold fluid in the bloodstream thus when it is too low, the fluid leaks into the body tissues. The leakage will lead to water retention in legs and abdominal cavity (ascites).

Molecular Weight and Cellular Respiration

Before bed
the toxins from consuming the new plant proteins are flushed out of the body with Fiber
Soluble Fiber and Resistant Starch are the most powerful Protein Toxin Removers
Foods High in Fiber:

6 to 8 hours before the 2mev "electron storm" on days 4-8
, (Watch real time links page for the rise). This varies depending on the severity of the previous solar flare storm. (Not all solar flares will generate a "2mev storm") They are only most common during the equinoxes.

During this time when the KP values are flat, the body is at maximum alkaline, when the KP is higher at 2 a.m., taking maltose for a slow nutrient absorption (before bed) (also as shown in this famous vermont remedy over the high KP maximum period, the body is more naturally acid at 2 a.m. . So taking more good acids such as blueberry, pomegrante etc. along with maltose at this time will help the body reach maximum/peak health.

Drink lots of Ph 7 water in late afternoon days 4-8.

Because a base neutralizes built up acids by reaction and releases a hydroxide ion into a water solution, loading the body with alkaline magnetized water NN/SS water. The Body's Metabolic Rate is increased to turn fat into muscle

Metabolism Rate is Increased:

Key Component - Foods that Increase Metabolism & have Phos to mag ratios with 2:1 - MORE LOW WEIGHT MOLECULAR FOODS (SEE simple code for these foods).
Cayenne Pepper, Salsa, Hot Peppers, Chili Sauce / Mustard, Ice Water, Green Tea (Iced or Hot), Apple Cider Vinegar Drink, Cabbage, Celery, Brussel Sprouts, Grapefruit, Oatmeal,

Common Bases
Magnesium hydroxide (Mg[OH]2): laxatives, antacids (milk of magnesia)
Sodium bicarbonate/sodium hydrogen carbonate (NaHCO3): baking soda

The base is important. This will than leave behind a salt.

Load the body with an ALKALINE PH magnetically treated water as this makes it more conductive for the incoming solar electrons.

At the very start of the "2mev electron storm"

Sodium phosphate / potassium phosphate (phosphate salts), to begin buffering of the body:

Here Phosphorous and Potassium are key.

Phosphorus is the body's source for phosphate. Phosphate is busiest while at work in the soft tissues where it helps create and manage energy, synthesize protein, fat, and carbohydrates, and even helps contract muscles, including the beating heart. Phosphate is also essential for stimulating hormone production and creating conditions that allow the body to utilize the B vitamins. Phosphorus even helps to maintain the body's pH. Phosphorus is also a constituent of nucleic acids, the holders of genetic information for the body.

Potassium is used in magnetic experiments because it is an ionized element which increases the magnetic flux yield. This helps in the chemical reaction process - this means that when the body is properly loaded with cal/mag and potassium, this creates perfect chemical reaction for regeneration.

Foods with the perfect carb to protein ratio that are highly electron absorbing and absorb well with Plant Based Proteins (Spirulina, Flax Oil, & Similar): Lettuce, Asparagus, Spinach - CALCIUM RETAINING is a 1:1 ratio


Foods such as carrots, lettuce, tomatoes, cabbage, which contain no sugar and no starch
absorb the incoming 2mev solar electrons easily

Spirulina and Hemp Oil together with Avocado and a food high in Phosphorous (Cauliflower). Than use Intention to absorb the new incoming electrons while laying in the sun.
The Body should be kept at the perfect PH level (the perfect range between 7.39 & 7.46) for maximum absorption of these energies.


Days 4-8 - Plant Proteins - Maximum absorption of Nutrients synergism by incoming cosmic radiation - Holding in Energy. This is the time the body is "reborn". In the mornings take foods that are listed in 0-3, grapes etc, and before bed foods high in Fiber or IP6 for detoxing/flushing. Flax oil should be taken in the morning. It is on this day all the foods taken from the start of flare up until today "come into balance" or "synergise". The hydrogen ion of the acid from proteins and the hydroxide ion of the base, from alkaline water, unite to form water which regenerates the body during pole balancing. Potassium is key here. In the afternoon eat a high-protein lunch. In the evening, eat a high-carbohydrate meal

After mastering the pole balancings (which takes between 8 and 12 months) and your body reaches the peak level, only 10 mins of pole balancing is necessary to maintain the body's poles at their peak.

The ratio of carbohydrates to protein intake is 2:1
These amino acids increase Plant Protein Absorption: These must also be taken with trace minerals

The eight essential amino acids:
2 Major Groupings
Methionine, Lysine, Tryptophan, Threonine, + ratio 2:2:1:1 - days 4-8 - THESE INCREASE THE ABSORPTION OF PROTEINS
L-Leucine, L-Isoleucine and L-Valine - 2:1:1 ratio -days 4-8
Take the above with vitamin B6 for maximum absorption
You can increase the effectiveness of BCAAs by consuming 10mg of Vitamin B6 with every 10g of BCAA
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) is converted in the body to the main coenzyme responsible for amino acid and protein metabolism.

This phosphorous is mostly active most only days 4-8 due to "Synergism" IF YOU CAN GET THE FOOD RATIOS PERFECT THE LAST 2 DAYS before the "2mev electron storm" and than on days 4-8, keep the food ratios perfect, you will have maximum nutrient synergistic absorption after pole balancing. In the mornings, take foods 0-3 and before noon, foods listed on days 1-4. On days 4-8, you take in both electron donating and electron accepting foods.

Take Carnosine, More Copper, nn/ss water and at the highest solar irridiance and again in the late afternoon
More Copper from: Table Salt, Spirulina, Crimini Mushrooms, Basil

Nitrate (microbes) + Molecular Oxygen + Manganese + Iron + electron acceptor, acceptance,
Nitric oxide is another electron absorber - this can be facilitated in the body via ingesting -Arginine - Foods high in arginne

L low lysine intake will increase Arginne intake (which absorbs electrons)

In the pole balancing when we combine both the north and south pole fields at the same time (holding in the energy), the picture below illustrates how this is revealed when it occurs in nature. This north/south pole energy is maximized with the 2mev electrons are stronger. See Pole Balancing Page for more info.

The Regenerative Phase:

Electron Absorbers/Low Calorie Phase: (form an anion (negatively-charged ion): Manganese: Synergists, Sodium, lithium, silicon / silica, cobalt, PABA, niacin / niacinamide, Vitamin E, biotin, choline, sugar,* alcohol,*

Foods highest in Choline are: Mung Beans, Olives, Chickpeas, Almonds

No lactic acid intake (which comes from fermented foods) Seasonal Cycle: During the Late Afternoon to Early Evening Hours - Maximization begins around the September Equinox -

Electron Absorbing Foods: Coral Calcium, Bananas (potassium rich), Plant Proteins, Omega 6 Oils (Borage Oil), Sesame, Sunflower,
Nutrient Absorbent Accelerators: Avocado, Fulvic, Uric and Urea Acids,
Minerals: Iron, Potassium, Himalayan / Sea Salts, Copper, Calcium (Dried Seaweed), Silicon, Phosphorous, (Phosphorous Synergist: Germanium and Nickel)
Enzymes: Lysine,
Vitamins: B5, A (synergist Zinc + Vitamin A in ratio 2:1),
Linoleic acid is increased (Omega 6)

On days 4-8 and at peak seasonal periods during the highest solar irridiance, the spirulina and other high electron absorbance foods should be taken. These are the hydroxide ions days.

As shown below this energy is highest September through December and is accompanied by cosmic rays.


Geomagnetic storms are most common around the end of March and the end of September.,%20Thyroid,%20Testosterone)_Information.pdf

The incoming "2mev electron storm"
A hydroxide ion is the part of the water molecule that is left when a hydrogen ion is removed. Hydroxide ions have an extra electron, and so are negatively charged. Bases are substances which increase the numbers of hydroxide ions, and thus remove hydrogen ions. By reducing the concentration of hydrogen atoms, bases raise the pH, this means the body becomes not only more alkaline, but ready to accept the incoming "2mev electron storm". The byproduct of making hydrochloric acid is sodium bicarbonate or potassium bicarbonate, which goes into the blood stream. These bicarbonates are the alkaline buffers that neutralize excess acids in the blood; they dissolve solid acidic wastes into liquid form. This means that after the flare, because the body is more acid, than taking the baking soda, will assist the acid neutralizing, and dissolve wastes, and also after eating. It should also be taken just before the "2mev electron storm".

"Absorption and "Synergism"" - IT IS ON THESE DAYS, THE ABOVE 2 FOODS ARE TAKEN AT THE SEASONAL PERIODS, EG: 0-3 FOODS IN THE MORNING, THAN 1-4 FOODS IN THE EARLY AFTERNOON, MORE MANGANESE AND PHOSPHEROUS IS ALSO TAKEN, as "boosters" On these days, we want to maximize electron absorption, so the Magnesium to Phosphorous levels should be between 1:1 and 1:2, - Manganese can also provide a "boost". These should be taken in the late afternoon/early evening. During flare cycles, the manganese should increase and the magnesium to phosphorous levels should be 1:2. On flare days the carb to protein ratios should be between 1:1 and 2:1 - and calories to carb ratio between 3:1 and 4:1 on days 4-8. Phosphorous Synergist: Germanium & Nickel

LOWER CARBS - the streaming 2mev energy travels easiest when there are low or no carbs present

Phosphorous to Magnesium 2:1 - SORTED by closest carb to protein ratios of between 1:1 and 2:1 and lowest carbs
Crude Wheat Germ: (11 calories - 120 mg calcium, 21 magnesium, 60 phos - carb to protein 1.29 to 2.3) - Acid
Coconut Milk (197calories - 18 mg calcium, 46 magnesium, 96 phos - carb to protein 2.81 to 2.02) - Alkaline
Romaine Lettuce (17 calories - calcium 33, magnesium 14, phos 30 - carb to protein 3.29 to 1.23 ) - Alkaline
Asparagus (20 calories - 24 mg calcium, 14 magnesium, 52 phos - carb to protein 3.88 to 2.2) - Alkaline Forming
Cabbage - used in fermented foods (25 calories - 40 mg calcium, 12 magnesium, 26 phos - carb to protein 5.8 to 1.28) - Alkaline
Parsley 743 units/gram (36 calories - 138 mg calcium, 50 magnesium, 58 phos - carb to protein 6.33 to 2.97) - Alkaline Forming
Tahini: (607 calories - 70 mg calcium, 176 magnesium, 396 phos - carb to protein 60 to 26 - Acid
Kohlrabi (27calories - 24 mg calcium, 19 magnesium, 46 phos - carb to protein 6.2 to 1.7) - Alkaline
Walnuts (654 calories - 98 mg calcium, 158 magnesium, 346 phos - carb to protein 13.7 to 15.2- mang 3.41) - Acid
Guava (68 calories - 18 mg calcium, 22 magnesium, 40 phos - carb to protein 14.3 to 2.55) - Moderate Alkaline
Blueberries (47 calories - 6 mg calcium, 6 magnesium, 12 phos - carb to protein 14.5 to 0.74) - Acid
Radishes (16 calories - 25 mg calcium, 10 magnesium, 20 phos - carb to protein 3.4 to 0.68 - Alkaline
Lemon (29 calories - 26 mg calcium, 8 magnesium, 16 phos - carb to protein 9.32 to 1.1) - Highly Alkaline
Bananas (89 calories - Calcium 5, magnesium 27, phos 22 - carb to protein 23/1.09) - Alkaline
Millet (378 calories - calcium 8, magnesium, 114, phos 285 - carb to protein 73/11) - Alkaline
Celery (16 calories - 40 mg calcium, 11 magnesium, 24 phos - carb to protein 2.97 to 0.69) - Alkaline
Leeks (61 calories - 40 mg calcium, 11 magnesium, 24 phos - carb to protein 2.97 to 0.69) - Slight Alkaline
Okra (16 calories - 40 mg calcium, 11 magnesium, 24 phos - carb to protein 2.97 to 0.69) - Slight Alkaline
Tomatoes (18 calories - 11 mg calcium, 11 magnesium, 24 phos - carb to protein 3.92 to 0.88) - Alkaline
Brazil Nuts (656 calories - 160 mg calcium, 376 magnesium, 725 phos - carb to protein 12.3 to 14.3) - Acid
Cranberries (46 calories - 8 mg calcium, 6 magnesium, 13 phos - carb to protein 12.2 to 0.39) - Acid
Plums (46 calories - 6 mg calcium, 7 magnesium, 16 phos - carb to protein 11.4 to 0.7) - Alkaline
Apples (52 calories - 6 mg calcium, 5 magnesium, 11 phos - carb to protein 13.8 to 0.26) - Alkaline
Peach (39 calories - 6 mg calcium, 9 magnesium, 20 phos - carb to protein 9.54 to 0.91) Alkaline
Sesame Seed Flour (333 calories - 149 mg calcium, 338 magnesium, 757 phos - carb to protein 36 to 50 - Arginine 7.44 - Slightly Alkaline
Cotton Seed Flour (359 calories - 478 mg calcium, 721 magnesium, 1597 phos - carb to protein 36 to 50 - Arginine 5.53 - Extreme Acid

FLARE CYCLE COMPATIBLE Ratios of 2:1 phos to cal - Ranked by calories from highest to lowest

Almonds (165 Calories - 264 calcium, 268 magnesium, 484 phos - carb to protein ratio 28/27) - Alkaline
Endive: (17 calories - 52 mg calcium, 0.83 magnesium, 451 phos - carb to protein 3.35 to 1.25 - Alkaline
Ginger (80 calories - 16 mg calcium, 43 magnesium, 34 phos - carb to protein 17.8 to 1.82- mang 0.229 - Alkaline
Apples (52 calories - 6 mg calcium, 5 magnesium, 11 phos - carb to protein 13.8 to 0.26) - Alkaline
Parsnips Peas (75 calories - 36 mg calcium, 29 magnesium, 71 phos - carb to protein 18 to 1.2) Alkaline
Guava (68 calories - 18 mg calcium, 22 magnesium, 40 phos - carb to protein 14.3 to 2.55) Moderate Alkaline
Apricots (48 calories - 13 mg calcium, 10 magnesium, 23 phos - carb to protein 11.1 to 1.4) - Alkaline
Blueberries (47 calories - 6 mg calcium, 6 magnesium, 12 phos - carb to protein 14.5 to 0.74) - Acid
Artichokes (47 calories - 44 mg calcium, 60 magnesium, 90 phos - carb to protein 10.5 to 3.27) Slight Alkaline
Cranberries (46 calories - 8 mg calcium, 6 magnesium, 13 phos - carb to protein 12.2 to 0.39) - Acid
Plums (46 calories - 6 mg calcium, 7 magnesium, 16 phos - carb to protein 11.4 to 0.7) - Acid
Passion fruit juice (51 calories - 4 mg calcium, 17 magnesium, 13 phos - carb to protein 13.6 to 0.39) - Alkaline Forming
Honeydew (36 calories - 6 mg calcium, 10 magnesium, 11 phos - carb to protein 9.09 to 0.54) Sugar 8.12 - Alkaline
Cantaloupe (34 calories - 9 mg calcium, 12 magnesium, 15 phos - carb to protein 8.16 to 0.84) Sugar - 7.86 Alkaline
Watermelon (30 calories - 7 mg calcium, 10 magnesium, 11 phos - carb to protein 7.55 to 0.61) - Highly Alkaline
Cauliflower (25 calories - 22 mg calcium, 15 magnesium, 44 phos - carb to protein 5.3 to 1.98) - Alkaline
Kohlrabi (27calories - 24 mg calcium, 19 magnesium, 46 phos - carb to protein 6.2 to 1.7) - Alkaline
ARUGULA (rocket), (25 calories - 160 mg calcium, 47 magnesium, 52 phos - carb to protein 3.65 to 2.58 Moderate Alkaline
Asparagus (20 calories - 24 mg calcium, 14 magnesium, 52 phos - carb to protein 3.88 to 2.2) Alkaline Forming
Romaine Lettuce (17 calories - calcium 33, magnesium 14, phos 30 - carb to protein 3.29 to 1.23 ) - Alkaline
Tomatoes (18 calories - 11 mg calcium, 11 magnesium, 24 phos - carb to protein 3.92 to 0.88) - Alkaline
Pomegranate (68 calories - 3 mg calcium, 3 magnesium, 8 phos - carb to protein 17.2 to 0.95)

Close to perfect Magnesium to Phosphorous 1:1 sorted by closest carb to protein ratios of between 1:1 and 2:1 & lowest carbs
Parsley 743 units/gram (36 calories - 138 mg calcium, 50 magnesium, 58 phos - carb to protein 6.33 to 2.97) Alkaline Forming
Tofu Yogurt (94 calories - calcium 118, magnesium 40, phos 38 - carb to protein 16 to 3.5) - Alkaline
Blackberries (43 calories - 29 mg calcium, 20 magnesium, 22 phos - carb to protein 9.61 to 1.39 - Alkaline
Cinnamon (ground) 2674 units/gram (247 calories - 1002 mg calcium, 60 magnesium, 64 phos - carb to protein 81 to 3.99) - Alkaline
Grapefruit (32 calories - 12 mg calcium, 8 magnesium, 8 phos - carb to protein 8.08 to 0.63) - Alkaline
Passion fruit juice (51 calories - 4 mg calcium, 17 magnesium, 13 phos - carb to protein 13.6 to 0.39) - Alkaline Forming

The below are based on 100 grams the numbers that say "in units" are the total antioxidant potential and high carbs/calories - these should be taken in the early afternoon.

Foods high in Ormus: Apricot Kernels, Flax Oil, Lemon are best eaten alone or than wait 20 mins and Eat before other fruits
Wheat grass Juice (59 calories - 6.86 mg calcium, 6.80 magnesium, 21 phos - carb to protein 5.67 to 5.52)
Other Foods High in ORMUS
Water-cress: Rorippa, species: high levels of Rhodium and Iridium
Water-cress (11 calories - 120 mg calcium, 21 magnesium, 60 phos - carb to protein 1.29 to 2.3)
Other foods high in Rhodium and Iridium ( are:
Flax oil, carrots, aloe leaf, grape seeds, slippery elm, watercress, acemannan, St. John's wort, blood root, Essiac tea, shark cartilage, bilberry juice, and sheep sorrel. Watercress contains the highest amount, as well as organic iodine.


Cloves 3144 units/gram (323 calories - 646 mg calcium, 264 magnesium, 105 phos - carb to protein 61 to 5.98)

Turmeric (ground) 1593 units/gram - Daily recommended Dosage

Oregano (dried) 2001 units/gram (306 calories - 1576 mg calcium, 270 magnesium, 200 phos - carb to protein 64 to 11)

Sage (fresh) 320 units/gram (315 calories - 1652 mg calcium, 428 magnesium, 91 phos - carb to protein 61 to 10.6)

Cumin (seed) 768 units/gram (375 calories - 931 mg calcium, 366 magnesium, 499 phos - carb to protein 44 to 17.8) Low Carbs 6.33 to 2.97)

Cinnamon (ground) 2674 units/gram (247 calories - 1002 mg calcium, 60 magnesium, 64 phos - carb to protein 81 to 3.99)

Parsley 743 units/gram (36 calories - 138 mg calcium, 50 magnesium, 58 phos -
carb to protein 6.33 to 2.97)

Basil 676 units/gram (23 calories - 177 mg calcium, 64 magnesium, 56 phos - carb to protein 2.65 to 3.15)

Mustard Seed 293 units/gram (469 calories - 521 mg calcium, 298 magnesium, 841 phos - carb to protein 35 to 25)

Marjoram 273 units/gram (271 calories - 1990mg calcium, 346 magnesium, 306 phos - carb to protein 61 to 12.7)

Sesame Seeds (573 calories - 975 mg calcium, 351 magnesium, 629 phos - carb to protein 23 to 17.7)

Acai = 17,000

The "spices" that are highest in ORAC value are also highest in manganese

Foods high in chlorine: - Food sources: The best source is table salt. MUNG
Chloride helps regulate fluids in and out of body cells. It forms part of stomach acid to help digest food and absorb nutrients. It also helps transmit nerve impulses. BEANS
also have a high manganese level
Beta-carotene is a chloride synergist.

Mung Beans (30 calories - 13 mg calcium, 21 magnesium, 54 phos - carb to protein 5.94 to 3.94) - Manganese Content:

Alkaline water

EFA Oils are Taken Again
Our body uses EFAs to construct membranes, create electrical potentials, and move electric currents =6850921

Manganese sources: also highest electron absorbing: crude wheat germ, whole-grain products,
Electron acceptors include oxygen, nitrate, iron (III), manganese (IV), sulfate, carbon dioxide, or in some microorganisms the chlorinated solvents such as tetrachloroethylene (PCE), trichloroethylene (TCE), dichloroethene (DCE), and vinyl chloride . AND CHLORIDE
Chloride is can be found in table salt or sea salt as sodium chloride. It is also found in many vegetables.
HAVE LITTILE, OR NONE OF THESE WHEN TAKING MANGANESE use phytate and Oxalic Acids Below (found in foods to reduce these)- Potassium, magnesium, calcium, iodine, nickel, boron, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B15, Vitamin C, [iron], sugar,* alcohol,*
Foods Highest in Manganese:
Hazel Nuts (highest in Manganese) (628 calories - 114 mg calcium, 163 magnesium, 290 phos - carb to protein 16.7 to 15 - Mang 6.18

Pine Nuts (2nd highest in Manganese) (673 calories - 16 mg calcium, 251 magnesium, 575 phos - carb to protein 13.1 to 13.7 - Mang 8.8)

Crude Wheat Germ: (11 calories - 120 mg calcium, 21 magnesium, 60 phos - carb to protein 1.29 to 2.3)

Pecans (691 calories - 70 mg calcium, 121 magnesium, 277 phos - carb to protein 1.29 to 2.3 - mang 4.5

Walnuts (654 calories - 98 mg calcium, 158 magnesium, 346 phos - carb to protein 13.7 to 15.2- mang 3.41)

Pumpkin Seeds (446 calories - 55 mg calcium, 262 magnesium, 92 phos - carb to protein 54 to 18.6- mang 0.496)

PISTACHIO NUTS (557 calories - 107 mg calcium, 121 magnesium, 490 phos - carb to protein 28 to 21 - mang 1.2

4-8 Foods

For maximum electron absorption, the Magnesium to Phosphorous levels should be between 1:1 and 1:2, - Manganese provides the "boost".
Phosphorous Synergist: Germanium & Nickel

During flare cycles, the manganese level should increase and the magnesium to phosphorous levels should be 1:2, and the carb to protein ratios should be between 1:1 and 2:1 - and calories to carb ratio between 3:1 and 4:1

When there are low or no carbs, the 2mev electron energy more readily enters the body.


Phosphorous to Magnesium 2:1 - SORTED by closest carb to protein ratios of between 1:1 and 2:1 and lowest carbs
Crude Wheat Germ: (11 calories - 120 mg calcium, 21 magnesium, 60 phos - carb to protein 1.29 to 2.3) - Acid
Coconut Milk (197calories - 18 mg calcium, 46 magnesium, 96 phos - carb to protein 2.81 to 2.02) - Alkaline
Romaine Lettuce (17 calories - calcium 33, magnesium 14, phos 30 - carb to protein 3.29 to 1.23 ) - Alkaline - PROTEIN COMPATIBLE
Asparagus (20 calories - 24 mg calcium, 14 magnesium, 52 phos - carb to protein 3.88 to 2.2) - Alkaline Forming - PROTEIN COMPATIBLE
Cabbage - used in fermented foods (25 calories - 40 mg calcium, 12 magnesium, 26 phos - carb to protein 5.8 to 1.28) - Alkaline - PROTEIN COMPATIBLE
Parsley 743 units/gram (36 calories - 138 mg calcium, 50 magnesium, 58 phos - carb to protein 6.33 to 2.97) - Alkaline Forming
Tahini: (607 calories - 70 mg calcium, 176 magnesium, 396 phos - carb to protein 60 to 26 - Acid
Kohlrabi (27calories - 24 mg calcium, 19 magnesium, 46 phos - carb to protein 6.2 to 1.7) - Alkaline - PROTEIN COMPATIBLE
Walnuts (654 calories - 98 mg calcium, 158 magnesium, 346 phos - carb to protein 13.7 to 15.2- mang 3.41) - Acid
Guava (68 calories - 18 mg calcium, 22 magnesium, 40 phos - carb to protein 14.3 to 2.55) - Moderate Alkaline
Blueberries (47 calories - 6 mg calcium, 6 magnesium, 12 phos - carb to protein 14.5 to 0.74) - Acid
Radishes (16 calories - 25 mg calcium, 10 magnesium, 20 phos - carb to protein 3.4 to 0.68 - Alkaline - PROTEIN COMPATIBLE
Lemon (29 calories - 26 mg calcium, 8 magnesium, 16 phos - carb to protein 9.32 to 1.1) - Highly Alkaline
Bananas (89 calories - Calcium 5, magnesium 27, phos 22 - carb to protein 23/1.09) - Alkaline
Millet (378 calories - calcium 8, magnesium, 114, phos 285 - carb to protein 73/11) - Alkaline
Celery (16 calories - 40 mg calcium, 11 magnesium, 24 phos - carb to protein 2.97 to 0.69) - Alkaline - - PROTEIN COMPATIBLE
Leeks (61 calories - 40 mg calcium, 11 magnesium, 24 phos - carb to protein 2.97 to 0.69) - Slight Alkaline - PROTEIN COMPATIBLE
Okra (16 calories - 40 mg calcium, 11 magnesium, 24 phos - carb to protein 2.97 to 0.69) - Slight Alkaline - PROTEIN COMPATIBLE
Tomatoes (18 calories - 11 mg calcium, 11 magnesium, 24 phos - carb to protein 3.92 to 0.88) - Alkaline - PROTEIN COMPATIBLE
Brazil Nuts (656 calories - 160 mg calcium, 376 magnesium, 725 phos - carb to protein 12.3 to 14.3) - Acid
Cranberries (46 calories - 8 mg calcium, 6 magnesium, 13 phos - carb to protein 12.2 to 0.39) - Acid
Plums (46 calories - 6 mg calcium, 7 magnesium, 16 phos - carb to protein 11.4 to 0.7) - Alkaline
Apples (52 calories - 6 mg calcium, 5 magnesium, 11 phos - carb to protein 13.8 to 0.26) - Alkaline
Peach (39 calories - 6 mg calcium, 9 magnesium, 20 phos - carb to protein 9.54 to 0.91) Alkaline
Sesame Seed Flour (333 calories - 149 mg calcium, 338 magnesium, 757 phos - carb to protein 36 to 50 - Arginine 7.44 - Slightly Alkaline
Cotton Seed Flour (359 calories - 478 mg calcium, 721 magnesium, 1597 phos - carb to protein 36 to 50 - Arginine 5.53 - Extreme Acid

Close to perfect Magnesium to Phosphorous 1:1 sorted by closest carb to protein ratios of between 1:1 and 2:1 & lowest carbs
Parsley 743 units/gram (36 calories - 138 mg calcium, 50 magnesium, 58 phos - carb to protein 6.33 to 2.97) Alkaline Forming
Tofu Yogurt (94 calories - calcium 118, magnesium 40, phos 38 - carb to protein 16 to 3.5) - Alkaline
Blackberries (43 calories - 29 mg calcium, 20 magnesium, 22 phos - carb to protein 9.61 to 1.39 - Alkaline
Cinnamon (ground) 2674 units/gram (247 calories - 1002 mg calcium, 60 magnesium, 64 phos - carb to protein 81 to 3.99) - Alkaline
Grapefruit (32 calories - 12 mg calcium, 8 magnesium, 8 phos - carb to protein 8.08 to 0.63) - Alkaline
Passion fruit juice (51 calories - 4 mg calcium, 17 magnesium, 13 phos - carb to protein 13.6 to 0.39) - Alkaline Forming
Basil 676 units/gram (23 calories - 177 mg calcium, 64 magnesium, 56 phos - carb to protein 2.65 to 3.15)

Sunflower Seeds (230 calories - 40 mg calcium, 0 magnesium, 0 phos - carb to protein 8 to 9

EFA Synergist Combinations:

Spirulina and Hemp Oil together with Avocado and a food high in Phosphorous (Cauliflower).

Hemp Oil + Himalayan Salt/Sea Salts + Arginine + Spirulina + Flax Seed Oil + Phosphorous + Fulvic Acid + Avocado + Cauliflower

Hemp Oil + Spirulina + B6 + B7 + Zinc + Magnesium + Copper

Hemp Oil + Brewers Yeast + Himalayan Salt + Spirulina = This works when taken facing south during pole balancing well

Acidic Foods/Fruits that can be taken with protein to maximize protein digestion: Cranberries, Pickled Olives
Then spend time in the Sun at the highest solar irridiance

After returning from the sun, the body should than be made slightly more alkaline, so as to increase the EFA oils into the body

In the evening, after protein rebuilding, the toxins are flushed out of the body with Fiber

In one study synthetic ascorbic acid given in a natural citrus extract containing bioflavonoids (in the ratio of bioflavonoids to ascorbic acid of 4:1), proteins, and carbohydrates, was more slowly absorbed and 35% more bio available than synthetic ascorbic acid alone,

Manganese is to be taken with protein


Day 8 and Onwards

When the Geomagnetic Energy or KP bars are higher [see forecasting page] Foods highest in these Glyconutrients: Galactose, Xylose should be taken - too much of these sugars will cause an imbalance in mineral retention.

General Daily Procedure:

When the solar flux is more active take in more of the acid antioxidants

After solar flare or other "geomagnetically disturbed event" the ratios should return to their normal recommended ratios:

EFA Oils in the 2:1 ratio (Hemp and Canola Oil) + Vitamin A
Fish Oil (Cod Liver Oil Preferred)
Oil Pulling (Detoxification)
Spend more time in the sun * If no sunlight is available use a 280 nm light source (similar to those used in tanning salons)
"Protective Water" High in Sodium Bicarbonate + Magnesium Carbonate

Antioxidant Ratios: (too many antioxidants will leave you feeling fatigued)
400 IU. vitamin E, 2,000 mg. vitamin C, 100 mcg. selenium, and 30 mg. coenzyme Q10 each day and 25,000 IU of beta-carotene every other day.
The approx ratio of vit c to vit e is beteen 3 and 4:1

Morning - Trace Elements/Antioxidant Foods

Noon - Perfect ratio of Calcium to Magnesium Foods

Evening - Perfect ratio of Calcium to Phosphorous Foods
It is only during the flares and moon cycles that these levels are increased to rejuvenate the body.

To maximize synergism, vary the intake of the foods with the 1:1 and 2:1 ratios every 2 days when there is no flare cycle

Lower KP (geomagnetic activity) - more foods days 0-3
Higher Geomagnetic activity or Higher solar flux - more foods days 1-4
Higher 2MEV electrons or a higher white line at this link - more foods days 4-8
Increased Trace Mineral Absorption:
A flat or declining to flat KP will increase trace mineral absorption. This is also the time to apply psychic injection of the trace minerals
The Chart Below gives an idea of the foods to take according to geomagnetic activity



The Body's Trace and Major Minerals Simplified:




The 3 Key Periods:

1: The lowest point of the solar wind

Using the image above as an example just before the solar flare, we want to increase electron absorbing antioxidant fruits, right up until the 17th, than just as the wind begins to rise, we want to start maximum oxygenation/alkalization of the body. This link gives real time solar wind data:


1: The Geomagnetic storm occurring at the start of flare as shown below (this is when the body is brought to a higher PH level):

2: The higher 2mev electron count (2mev electron storm). This is known as the 2mev "Electron Storm". This is when the highest electron absorbing foods are taken along with the Hemp and or Canola Oil (2:1 ratio)


Breakdown of Data/Analysis:


There are 2 main electron counts that affect the body's regeneration process. 1mev electrons and the 2mev electrons.

The first Solar Flare after the Equinoxes, followed by the solstices (along with the accompanying 2mev increase) this energy is magnified considerably. We can maximize the age rejuvenation energies, because at these times the energy peaks, and it is prime time to gather/transform/mold these energies to make our bodies young again. Accompanying this increase in 2mev electrons are the cosmic rays, which as shown below increase 3 to 4 days before the solar flare, and again 3 to 5 days after the solar flare. When these are combined with the rise in 2mev electrons, this "life energy" that works with the pole balancing is greatly enhanced. Subsequently, the period just before the solstice/equinox, the 2mev and 1mev electrons are at their lowest point and these energies are at their lowest. This is prominent usually 1 week before the flare after the equinox/solstice. They are also lowest when the cosmic rays are at their lowest.



Higher 2mev - South facing 70% (holding in the incoming energy) and north facing 30%
Higher 1mev 70% - north facing and 30% south facing (with less holding in of the south incoming energy)


Oil Pulling - The Simple Way to Detox the Body

"Oil Pulling" removes and detoxes the body.
Because Sesame Oil is Acidic and attracts toxins, this means that it is also in the class days 1-4 with the Hemp Oil and Canola Oil

Sunflower and Sesame oil have been found to be equally effective in curing diseases.
NOTE: The recommended oils to use are Sunflower Oil, Sesame Oil. We are receiving many emails about which oil to use. Our experience with thousands of people across the globe says USE COLD PRESSED OIL as first choice, if it is not available use REFINED OIL ( which seems to be effective in the process too). We have observed that any oil other than SUNFLOWER or SEASME may not be effective. In the morning before breakfast on an empty stomach you take one tablespoon in the mouth but do not swallow it. Move Oil Slowly in the mouth as rinsing or swishing and Dr Karach puts it as ' sip, suck and pull through the teeth' for fifteen to twenty minutes. This process makes oil thoroughly mixed with saliva. Swishing activates the enzymes and the enzymes draw toxins out of the blood. The oil must not be swallowed, for it has become toxic. As the process continues, the oil gets thinner and white. If the oil is still yellow, it has not been pulled long enough.It is then spit from the mouth , the oral cavity must be thoroughly rinsed and mouth must be washed thoroughly. Just use normal tap water and good old fingers to clean. Clean the sink properly, you can use some antibacterial soap to clean the sink. Because the spittle contains harmful bacteria and toxic bodily waste. If one were to see one drop of this liquid magnified 600 times under a microscope, one would see microbes in their first stage of development. It is important to understand that during the oil-pulling/swishing process one's metabolism is intensified. This leads to improved health. One of the most striking results of this process is the fastening of loose teeth, the elimination of bleeding gums and the visible whitening of the teeth. The oil pulling /swishing is done best before breakfast. To accelerate the healing process, it can be repeated three times a day, but always before meals on an empty stomach. For those more advanced, tilt the head back slightly towards the end of the "swishing".

Sesame Seeds are high in calcium & Manganese
Foods high in Manganese

Sesame Seed and Sunflower Oil are high in Phosphorous

It is the Phosphorous that draws out the toxins from the body

A more alkaline body accelerates the detoxing process from oil pulling.



It is not a coarse and fibrous diet which is the cause of good teeth, but rather the high and properly balanced mineral content of such an unrefined diet

To greatly accelerate the re-mineralization of teeth and stop toothaches, when these (1mhz pulse wavelengths) lines are smoother and more "wave like".

Combine this with higher 1MEV electrons USUALLY AROUND 7 OR ABOVE ( spend more time with consciousness placed between your head and chest. This is maximized days 0-3 before the solar flare. To accelerate this take calcium/magnesium after pole balancing. Coral Calcium contains the perfect 2:1 calcium to magnesium ratio.
Calcium Synergist: Vitamin B5
Protein with lysine can help calcium absorption.
Eggshells + Vitamin D3 + Fish Oil = a powerful calcium combination.
A higher 1mev count overall will help relieve toothaches when facing north doing the pole balancing, south facing is not necessary.

I had such a bad toothache. The pain was unbearable. I called my dentist and was told that the earliest appointment I could have was in two weeks! Yikes! In desperation I found the oil pulling remedy and decided to try it. I put about 1/2 a tablespoon of ordinary sunflower oil in my mouth and the relief was instantaneous. I swished it around in my mouth for about 15 minutes. As soon as I spit it out the pain came back, but not as intense. I used the oil swishing again and did it fairly often for a couple of days until the pain disappeared. After that I did it about twice a day. When I finally went to my dentist, I fully expected her to discover a cavity or an abscessed tooth in the making, but, incredibly she found nothing. And believe me, she poked and prodded like there was no tomorrow! That happened about a year ago. I recently went for another checkup and again my teeth were fine. I still do the oil pulling occasionally, because sometimes I just don't have time, but it sure is a cure for toothache!"

It is not a coarse and fibrous diet which is the cause of good teeth, but rather the high and properly balanced mineral content of such an unrefined diet`


Compressed - hydrogen foods/antioxidants in morning - hydroxide foods/electron absorbing in evening/early afternoon - fermented foods/lactic acids around midday - adjust intake according to seasonal equionox/solstice/moons/solar flares.

How to wake up feeling refrehsed and "energized": (Also perform the Synergism exercises listed at the top of this page)
When the solar wind is about to "rise" just before a flare - Spend Time in the afternoon sun - do pole balancing at 1 to 2 hrs before sunset - than load the body with beta carotene (carrots) - The next morning you will feel extremly energized.

How to "energize" in the morning:
On the first day after a solar flare (day 1-4 period) Do a pole balancing, than immediately take lemon juice. After 20 minutes take apple cider vinegar, canola oil, brewers yeast and Himalayan salt.

Real Time Forecasting:

Solar Flare Forecasting: At the base of this page are the dates.

Earth's Geomagnetic Activity Forecasting:

2nd Geomagnetic Forecasting Link:

3rd Geomagnetic Storm Forecast Link:

Earth's Current Geomagnetic Activity:

Real Time Solar Wind:

Real Time Solar Flux:

Long Term:

Solar Wind Speed:
2 Week Ahead Forecast
Longer Term Forecast

Highest Solar Irridiance

MEV Electron Forecasting and Real Time Data: (thank you Nasa and Noaa for this info)
2mev forecasting
3 days ahead
8 days ahead
2mev real time:


Misc Data:












Exterior Body Regeneration:
This, for example, may be self-warmed up wrapping on the basis of sea staff, sea salt, Dead Sea salt, magnesium, a citric acid and talc. This remarkable procedure is intended for regeneration, detoxification, growing thin and body. At mixture with water this mask quickly heats up with bubbles formation. Heating of a body stimulates the strengthened penetration of active components of seaweed and salts, minerals, micro cells, vitamins.

The Ergosterol Effect

The Ergosterol or Ergosterol Peroxide (which is found in Reishi Mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum) (Ling zhi) Others include: Chaga (Inonotus obliquus), Phlebia Radiata and P. Chrysosporium,Physisporinus Rivulosus & the white-rot class of fungus) binds to the calcium and magnesium, creating a beneficial "fungus". When glucose is added, the growth rate of this "beneficial fungus" related to Saccharomyces is accelerated.

Mushrooms highest in Ergosterol:
Chaga (Inonotus obliquus), P. radiata and P. chrysosporium
Cordyceps sinensis

The below shows that this is the time of the highest amount of 2mev electron storm activity.
While highest laccase activities were found in the summer period, highest Mn-peroxidase activities were regularly recorded during the Autumn season, a period the highest fungal biomass content in the soil of study.

Ergosterol is naturally present in the plant kingdom, in particular in fungi. Thus, it is present in yeasts and is also abundant in higher fungi such as, in particular, Lentinus edodes, also known as Shiitake. This is a medicinal and dietary fungus of Asiatic origin. The Japanese name Shiitake derives from its association with the "shiia" tree, the oak.
This fungus is found in the natural state on trunks of dead trees, in particular on oak trees, ash trees and chestnut trees, and is currently widely cultivated.

The medicinal properties of fungi are mainly linked to one of its polysaccharides, lentinane, by virtue of an immunostimulatory activity, and to eritadenine which has hypocholesterolaemiant activity.
Shiitake also contains proteins (26% relative to the solids), carbohydrates (65% of solids), minerals (calcium, potassium) and vitamins, in particular vitamins B2 and C.- ANOTHER CLUE, HIGHER IN CARBS BUT LOW IN PROTEIN

Lactones, celluloses, arabinogalactans, pectins, fructans, glucans

Foods highest in Phytosterols
In order from highest - rice bran, pickles, sesame seeds, asparagus,

Algae and fungi also manufacture phytosterols -the most common is beta-sitosterol
Foods highest in Beta-sitosterol
Canola Oil- Avocado - Almonds - Pistacho (THESE SHOULDBETAKEN AFTER POLE BALANCING)
Vegetable oils are the best food source of beta sitosterol. Canola, corn and soybean oil, vegetable shortening, margarine made from corn or soybean oil, and tofu or soybean mayonnaise all contain high amounts of beta sitosterol.

The proteins in shiitake are composed of 18 types of amino acids, including 7 of the 8 essential amino acids in a ratio similar to the 'ideal protein' for humans. Of these amino acids, shiitake is especially rich in leucine and lysine, which are deficient in many grains. For people on a vegetarian diet, shiitake represents an excellent protein supplement.
Shiitake Composition: Two of particular note are amylase, important for proper digestion, and cellulose, which dissolves fiber.


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